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RuneScape Abbreviations

"RuneScape" is an online multiplayer fantasy game. Alongside familiar Internet slang and abbreviations such as "LOL" for "laughing out loud" or "brb" for "be right back," "RuneScape" has evolved its own jargon. Abbreviations and nicknames are used to describe items, actions, locations and characters in the game. This can make communicating with other players confusing at times. A guide to "RuneScape"-specific abbreviations will help clear things up.
  1. Abbreviations Starting With Numerals or Symbols

    • 1-iteming: PKing (player killing) with just one item while using the Protect Item prayer, so you don't risk losing your item if you get killed in a Player versus Player area
      2h: Two-handed sword -- you need both hands to wield one so you can't use a shield at the same time
      360: Ket-Zek, also abbreviated as KZ. This is a monster from the TzHaar Fight Caves location. It has a combat level of 360, hence the designation
      702: TzTok-Jad, also known as "Jad," is the final boss monster in the TzHaar Fight Caves. He has a combat level of 702
      (a): Activated. This can refer to a magic item or a prayer
      (d): Defensive
      (g): Added to an item's name to indicate gold trim
      (kp): Karambwan poison. This can be mixed using a pestle and mortar to make Karambwan paste, which is used to poison some weapons
      (l): Legs. Used to describe armor that has platelegs rather than a plateskirt
      (m): Mature
      (o): Offensive, as opposed to Defensive
      (p): Poisoned, referring to a weapon such as a dagger
      (p+): Extra poison. This is the same as poison, but will do more damage
      (p++): Super poison. This does even more poison damage than extra poison
      (s): Skirt. Used to indicate that a suit of armor has a skirt instead of legs
      (t): Trimmed armor
      (u): Unstrung bow
      [ ]: Indicates a square shield
      [ h ] Indicates a heraldic shield, one with a coat of arms

    A to B

    • Abby: Abyssal -- can refer to creatures or items found in the Abyss
      Addy: Adamantite, a very strong material for weapons or armor
      Agil: The Agility skill
      Alch: The Alchemy skill
      Ammy: Amulet
      Ancients: Ancient Magicks, a particular kind of spell used in the game
      Anti: Antipoison potion
      Ardy: Ardougne, a location
      Atk: Attack

      Barb: Barbarian
      Baxe: Battleax
      B bone: Big bone. Burying bones gives you Prayer skill experience; big bones give you more experience
      Brassy: Verac's brassard (an item of armor)
      BS: Bow strings
      B sale: Bank sale. You can keep items in a bank. When you want to free up space in your bank, you can hold a bank sale to sell a lot of items at once


    • Cammy: Camelot, a location
      Camo: Camouflage items. You can get these from the Drill Sergeant event
      Cav: Cavalier hat, a large hat with a feather
      CB: Combat
      Chain: Chainmail items
      Choob: A high-level player who is deemed to be behaving like a noob (new player)
      Clue: A Clue scroll. These are used in Treasure Trail activities
      Cluer: Someone who is a fan of solving clue scrolls
      CS: Clue scroll or Customer support
      CW: Castle Wars, an in-game activity


    • D: Indicates Dragon items
      D2H: A Dragon two-handed sword
      Dag: Dagannoth. These are sea monsters.
      D ax/D axe: Dragon hatchet
      D bone: Dragon bone
      DD: Dragon dagger
      DD+: Dragon dagger treated with extra poison
      DDP: Poisoned Dragon dagger
      DDS: Dragon dagger treated with super poison
      Death dot: When a group of players all stand on exactly the same spot, their numbers are hidden This deception is often used in the Wilderness
      Def: Defense, the Defense skill
      Dh: Dharok the Wretched, one of the combatants you'll face in the Barrows activity
      D hide: Dragon hide
      DK: Dagannoth King, a powerful Dagannoth monster
      D long: Dragon longsword
      DM: Deathmatch
      Drop rate: Likelihood that a monster will drop a particular item
      DS: Dragon spear
      DS+: Dragon spear treated with extra poison
      D Scimmy: Dragon scimitar
      DSP: Poisoned Dragon spear
      DSS: Dragon spear treated with super poison
      Dusties: Dust devils, a monster that blinds opponents with dust, ash or smoke

    E to J

    • Edgy: Edgeville, a location
      Emote: Emotion, an animated action that your character can perform
      Ess: Rune essence, used to make magical runes

      F2P: Free to Play -- something that nonmembers can use
      Fally: Falador, a location
      Farcasting: Magically attacking opponents from a distance
      FM: The Firemaking skill
      Fremmy: Fremennik, a location
      Froob: A player who hasn't left the starting location of Lumbridge yet
      Full: Complete set of armor and weapons of a particular type

      G ax/G axe/Gr8 ax: Dharok's Great Ax
      Glory: Amulet of Glory, an amulet which confers bonuses and allows the wearer to teleport

      Hally: Halberd, a weapon
      HAM: Humans Against Monsters, a cult that wants to destroy all of the nonhumans in the game world
      Helm: Helmet
      Herby: Herblore
      Hits/HP: Life points

      ID: Identity or Identify

      Jad: TzTok-Jad (see 360)
      Jagex: The developers of "RuneScape." The name stands for Just About the Gaming Experience
      JMod: Jagex moderator, a person appointed by Jagex to supervise players

    K to O

    • KB: Knowledge Base, the "RuneScape" Game Guide
      KBD: King Black Dragon
      Kite: Kite shield
      KQ: Kalphite Queen or Kalphiscarabeinae Pasha, a high-level monster

      Large: A full helmet, as opposed to the smaller, lighter medium helmet
      Law: Law rune, the basis for telekinetic spells
      Legs: Platelegs, armored trousers
      Lesser: Lesser demon
      Limps: Limpwurt roots, a herb
      Lob/Lobby: Lobster, which you can catch and cook for food
      Long: Longbow or Longsword
      Lumby: Lumbridge, the game's starting location

      Mage: A single magician
      Magi: A group of magicians
      Maul: A hammer-like weapon
      Med: Medium helmet
      Mith: Mithril
      MOM: Mysterious Old Man, one of the game's Random Events
      Mossies: Moss giants

      Nat: Nature rune, used in transmutations spells

      Obby: Obsidian, the material that TzHaar items are made from

    P to R

    • Phat: Party hat, an item of clothing
      PJing: Pile jumping, attacking a player who isn't prepared
      PK(er): Player kill(er)
      Plate/Pl8: Platemail and platelegs or plateskirt
      POH: Player-owned houses, dwellings you can construct that allow you to engage in activities such as crafting
      Pot: Potion
      Potter: A player who uses potions to fight
      Pray: Prayer
      Pure: A character who is trained in a single skill

      QP: Quest points. Awarded for completing quests, these can be traded for in-game rewards

      R2H A two-handed sword made from the Rune material
      RC(ing): Runecrafting
      Robin: Robin Hood hat, an item of clothing
      ROL: Ring of Life, a magic ring that teleports you to your chosen location when your hit points get too low
      ROW: Ring of Wealth, a magic ring that increases your chance of getting higher value drops
      RS: "RuneScape"
      RS2: "RuneScape" 2
      RSC: "RuneScape" Classic
      Rushing: Rushing from a safe area directly into PvP combat

    S to Z

    • Safing: Eating to restore life points well before you risk being killed
      Saph: Sapphire
      Sara: Saradomin, the god of "pleasantry, order, and wisdom"
      Scimmy: Scimitar, a curved sword
      Seers: The Seers' Village, a location
      Shilo: Shilo Village, a location
      Short: Shortbow or Shortsword
      Skirt: Armored plateskirt
      Skulled: If you go into the Abyss or initiate combat by attacking another player, you are Skulled and will lose all of your items if you die
      Spec: Special attack
      Sq: Square shield
      Str: The Strength skill
      Swordy: Swordfish, a type of food made by cooking a Raw Swordfish

      Tally: Talisman
      Tele: Teleport
      Total: The Total level of a skill when bonuses are taken into account
      TT: Treasure Trail, activities where you can solve clues to gain a reward

      Vambs: Vambraces, armor worn in the glove slot
      V Brassy: Verac's brassard
      Venging: In PvP combat, using the Vengeance prayer to send back 75 per cent of the next hit onto your opponent

      WC(ing): Woodcutting, the activity or the skill
      Wealth: Ring of wealth (see ROW)
      Whip: Abyssal whip, a melee weapon
      Wildy: The Wilderness, a dangerous area
      WOM: The Wise Old Man, also called Dionysius. A character who lives in Draynor Village

      X-bow: Crossbow

      Zammy: Zamorak, the god of chaos © HT Games