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How to Tame an Animal on WotLK

While several classes in "World of Warcraft" are able to use pets in combat, only the "Hunter" class is able to tame animals found in the wild. In the second expansion for the game, known as "Wrath of the Lich King," or "WotLK," players gain access to a new continent called "Northrend." This area contains a variety of new beasts that feature distinctive character models, which fit in well with the region's various themes. Many of these animals are suitable for taming by hunters, and the proper use of a few essential class abilities will help to streamline the process.


    • 1

      Open your spellbook by pressing the "P" key or by clicking on the spellbook icon located on the bottom edge of the screen, near the center. Navigate to the "Beast Mastery" tab and drag the "Beast Lore" and "Tame Beast" spells onto one of your action bars. Navigate to the "Survival" tab and drag the "Freezing Trap" and "Trap Launcher" spells onto one of your action bars.

    • 2

      Examine your minimap, located in the upper-right corner of the screen. Click on the magnifying glass icon to open the tracking. Check the box labeled "Track Beasts." Clear the checks from the other boxes. Click on the magnifying glass icon to close the tracking menu.

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      Travel to "Northrend" by ship or zeppelin. If you are playing an "Alliance" character, board "The Kraken" from "Stormwind Harbor" or "Northspear" from "Menethil Harbor." If you are playing a "Horde" character, board "The Mighty Wind" from "Orgrimmar" or "The Cloudkiller" from outside "Undercity."

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      Head to a zone that contains beast NPCs that are your level or lower. Select "Howling Fjord" or "Borean Tundra" for levels 68-72. Select "Dragonblight" for levels 71 to 75. Select "Grizzly Hills" for levels 73 to 75. Select "Zul'Drak" for levels 74 to 76. Select "Sholazar Basin" for levels 76 to 78. Select "Crystalsong Forest," "Icecrown" or "Storm Peaks" for levels 77 to 80.

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      Examine your minimap and note the location of any yellow dots present; these dots indicate the locations of nearby animals. Select an animal you wish to tame and head towards it. Click on the animal and use the "Beast Lore" ability to confirm that you can tame it; if you see a "Cannot Be Tamed" message, select a different type of animal.

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      Use the "Trap Launcher" ability, followed by the "Freezing Trap" ability. Click on the ground located beneath the selected animal. Wait for the "Freezing Trap" to activate, trapping the animal within a block of ice. Click on the animal and use the "Tame Beast" ability. Wait for the ability to finish casting; upon completion, the animal will be tamed. © HT Games