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Where Can I Find a Pet Trainer in World of Warcraft?

Pet trainers in the "World of Warcraft" online game serve two different functions. For hunter characters, speaking with a pet trainer is required to reset a pet's talent points in order to spend them in a different manner. For characters of all classes, on the other hand, pet trainers can restore any bind-on-pickup vanity pets that were sold or deleted without being learned. Pet trainers are non-player characters found in most major cities and in the first main town of the starting area for most races, as well as in some other locations.
  1. Faction Capitals

    • You can usually find a pet trainer standing immediately next to the hunter trainer in each of your faction's capital cities. If you are not sure where the hunter trainer is located, speak with a guard and select the "Class Trainer" menu option, then click "Hunter." Doing this marks the location of the hunter trainer on both your world map and your mini-map. For cities with more than one hunter trainer, such as Stormwind or Orgrimmar, you may also have to select which hunter trainer you are interested in. The only pet trainer in Orgrimmar is found next to the hunter trainers in the Valley of Honor. Undercity is an exception: despite the presence of a hunter trainer in the city, no pet trainer can be found there.

    Starting Areas

    • You can find a pet trainer standing immediately next to the hunter trainer in the first town you encounter in each race's starting area. For example, if your character is a dwarf, you will find a pet trainer in Kharanos, while orcs will find a pet trainer in Razor Hill and blood elves in Falconwing Square. Goldshire, in Elwynn Forest, and Brill, in Tirisfal Glades, are exceptions. Human hunters need to make their way to Stormwind to find a pet trainer, while undead hunters will need to travel to Orgrimmar, Thunder Bluff or Silvermoon City.

    Neutral Cities

    • Despite having hunter trainers for both factions, Shattrath and Dalaran completely lack pet trainers. If you find yourself in Shattrath or Dalaran and need a pet trainer, you will need to take the portal to either Stormwind or Orgrimmar, depending on your faction, and use the pet trainers found there. The portals are located immediately next to the hunter trainers.

    Other Locations

    • Members of the Alliance faction can find pet trainers in two additional locations. Claude Erksine, a dwarf, can be found at the Farstrider Lodge in the southeastern corner of the Loch Modan zone, while Bolyun, a night elf, can be found in the southwestern corner of Ashenvale, near the Shrine of Aessina.

      Before you can use Bolyun as a pet trainer, you have to free him from his demonic captor. Accept the quest "Three Friends of the Forest" from Benjari Edune, found at the end of the road immediately north of the Shrine of Aessina, then deliver the quest to Bolyun. Accept the quest "In a Bind," defeat Kaliva, the demon who appears as soon as you accept the quest, loot her heart and deliver it to Bolyun to free him.

      Members of the Horde faction also have two additional pet trainers available. Zudd and Grokor, both orcs, respectively can be found at the Grom'Gol Base Camp, in Northern Stranglethorn, and in Stonard, in Swamp of Sorrows. © HT Games