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How to Get the Ruby From the Temple in Nabooti

Nabooti Island is one of the levels in the massively multiplayer online adventure game, "Poptropica." Your goal in the level is to find five of the seven sacred gems that protect the Nabooti tribe in Africa. One of these gems is hidden inside a temple in Giza. Getting this gem is tricky because you have to first gain entrance to the temple and then solve a series of puzzles in order to reach it.


    • 1

      Click on Nabooti Island to travel there. It is situated in the bottom-left corner of the map

    • 2

      Speak to the woman in the museum to the left of where you land your hot air balloon. She will explain your goal in the level to you. You will receive a map of Africa and permission to use the airplane.

    • 3

      Go all the way left from the museum to find the airplane. Left-click on it and you'll see the map of Africa. Click on the Mountains of the Moon to travel there. They are on the right-hand side of the map.

    • 4

      Jump up the platforms until you get to the top of the mountain, where you will meet an old man. Read the rules of the game that he challenges you to, and then beat him to enter the cave behind him.

    • 5

      Left-click on the cave to enter it, and then walk left to drop down the ledge. Walk over the mobile phone lying in the snow to pick it up. Jump back up the ledges to reach the entrance of the cave. Jump over the platforms to the right in order to find one of the sacred gems, if you want; you don't need it to get the gem from the temple.

    • 6

      Exit the cave and then return to the plane. Click on the Blue Nile Falls on the map. It is slightly up and to the right of the Mountains of the Moon. Jump up the platforms just above your plane, and walk over the purple flower at the top to pick it up. Return to your plane and take to the skies again.

    • 7

      Click on Nabooti, which is on the far left-hand side of the map. Walk all the way to the right and click on the woman wearing orange clothing who is standing next to the stall. Click "It's a deal!" when asked if you want to trade your flower for a turban. You now have everything you need to enter the temple and get the gem.

    • 8

      Return to the plane and click on Giza, which is right at the top of the map. Click on your "Items" icon at the top-right side of the screen, and then click on the turban. Click "Put On" and then click "Close."

    • 9

      Walk to the right. As you try to pass the first worker, he will give you a shovel. Open your inventory and look at the shovel to see a phone number engraved on it. Click on the phone and then click "Use." Enter the number, "5556789," and then click the green "Call" button on the phone.

    • 10

      Walk to the right when the archaeologist walks away to look for his phone. Walk over the backpack lying on the ground, and you will get the Moon Stone. Walk to the left and jump to the top of the temple, where the moon is visible in the background.

    • 11

      Open your inventory and click on the Moon Stone. Click "Use" and the door to the temple will open. Jump down and click on the door to enter it. Walk right and then click on the stone block just past the hieroglyphs on the wall. Click on the first, third and fourth blocks on the screen after it zooms to the puzzle. This will drop a bridge that allows you to safely pass a scorpion on your right.

    • 12

      Walk to the right and cross the bridge you just created. Enter the next area, jump up and then go left. You'll see four stone blocks standing on a platform. Push the block on the far right off the platform, and then push it to the left so that it is just below the top-left edge of the platform above you.

    • 13

      Jump back on to the platform and then push the two blocks on the left off the left-hand side of the ledge. Push them to the right once they are down so that they are past the ledge above them. Jump between the two blocks and then push the left one all the way back so that it connects to the first block you pushed off the ledge.

    • 14

      Jump back on the platform and push the last block off the ledge on the right-hand side. Jump down and then push the two blocks on the right to the left and the two blocks on the left to the right so that they meet in the middle in front of the marks on the wall. Afterward, the door on the left-hand side of the room will open.

    • 15

      Push the whole row of blocks toward the left wall, and then jump on top of them to reach the exit that just opened. Go left and then drop down to find the next puzzle section. It consists of ledges made out of blocks with hieroglyphs on them. If you jump on the wrong block, the whole ledge will crumble and you will have to redo everything.

    • 16

      Jump on the second block from the left ̵2; the one that looks like a person ̵2; for the first ledge. Jump on the first block from the left ̵2; the one that looks like a boat floating on water ̵2; for the second ledge. Jump on the third block from the left ̵2; the one that looks like a staff and bird ̵2; for the third ledge. Jump on the rightmost block ̵2; the one that looks like an eye ̵2; for the final ledge.

    • 17

      Go up the rope and then walk to the right. You'll enter a chamber with two statues, each of which has a pillar to the left and right of it. The mural on the wall in the middle of the chamber has the solution to this puzzle. Jump up the pillar to the right of the second statue and pull the switch.

    • 18

      Run back to the pillar to the right of the first statue and then pull the switch. Run to the pillar to the left of the second statue and pull the switch. Finally, run to the pillar to the left of the first statue and pull the switch. The sarcophagus in the middle of the chamber will open, and you'll see a mummy holding the ruby. Walk over it to pick it up. © HT Games