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Instance Abbreviations for World of Warcraft

"World of Warcraft," or "WoW," has instances for every level range and heroic max-level dungeons. Players enter an instance with four other players to battle bosses for loot, gold or to complete quests. Most players abbreviate the name of an instance when looking for a group. Remember that if you are referring to a "heroic" version of an instance, be sure to include an "H" in front of the instance abbreviation so other players will know the specific dungeon you want to group for.
  1. Low-Level "Vanilla" World of Warcraft Instances

    • "RFC" means Ragefire Chasm, a dungeon inside Orgrimmar, the orc capital. Wailing Caverns, or "WC," is a druid-themed instance in The Barrens. Shadowfang Keep is called "SFK," and is found in Lordaeron. Dead Mines, known as "VC" -- which stands for "Van Cleef" -- is the home of the Defias leader. If a player is looking for "BFD," he is referring to Blackfathom Deeps, a naga-themed instance. A player joining an "SM" group wants to complete the library, graveyard, cathedral or armory portion of the Scarlet Monastery. "RFK" is a gnoll-themed instance known as Razorfen Kraul, and "Mara" is a centaur instance in Desolace. The Stockades is situated in Stormwind City and is known by players as "Stocks," while Gnomeregan is called "Gnomer."

    Mid-Level "Vanilla" World of Warcraft Instances

    • Dire Maul, located in Feralas, is called "DM" -- not to be confused with Dead Mines. "LBRS" and "UBRS" are portions of the Blackrock Spire dungeon set: upper and lower spire. Stratholme is called "Strat," while Scholomance is known as "Scholo." The Temple of A'tal Hakkar is called "Sunken Temple," or "ST," because it is an ancient temple now completely underwater.

    "World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade"

    • Most Outland instances are grouped together in sets. Hellfire Citadel has Ramparts, or "Ramps," The Blood Furnace (BF) and Shattered Halls (SH). Auchindon instances are located in Terrokar Forest. Auchanaei Crypts is called "Crypts," and Mana Tombs is known as "MT." Setthek Halls is known as "SH." Tempest Keep has The Mechnar (Mech), Arcatraz (Arc) and The Botanica (Bot). Magisters' Terrace was added in the "Sunwell" patch and is known as "MgT."

    "World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King"

    • "WoTLK" has Utgarde Keep (UT), The Nexus (Nex) and Ahn'Kahet: Old Kingdom (OK) as entry dungeons. Azjol'Nerub is abbreviated "AN," while Drak'Tharon Keep is called "DTK." Violet Hold, located inside Dalaran, is known as "VH." Halls of Stone and Halls of Lighting are called "HoS" and "HoL," while The Occulus is called "Occ." Trial of the Champion (TotC), Pit of Saron (PoS), Forge of Souls (FoS) and Halls of Reflection (HoR) were added toward the end of the expansion.

    "World of Warcraft: Cataclysm"

    • Throne of the Tides is called "ToT," while Blackrock Caverns is called "BC." The Stonecore is referred to as "SC," and Vortex Pinnacle is abbreviated "VP." The Lost City of Tol'vir is known as "LC" for Lost City, and Halls of Origination is called "HoO." Grim Batol, or "GB," is the formerly non-instanced area of The Wetlands. © HT Games