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How to Do Steamworks on Potropica

"Poptropica" is an online puzzle game designed for children ages 7 and up. The game is split into various levels, or "islands," each based around a different pop-culture theme. Steamworks Island is the 14th island to be opened on "Poptropica," and is based loosely on the steampunk genre. It is considered to be one of the most difficult islands to complete because the island is abandoned when you arrive. There are no characters with whom to interact or acquire hints.


    • 1

      Go to the Cantina when you first arrive and play the gear game to get the Multi-Tool. Go right and get the Steam Battery from the trash bin. Climb the Cantina and pull the lever to extend the crossing arm and reach the roof on the right. Use the Multi-tool to remove the bolt on the skylight and enter it.

    • 2

      Look at the typewriter that tells you to remember the number 0516. Leave the room and enter the Museum below. Walk right and click the blue lever on the machine to raise its arm. Jump up on the arm and make your way left to some vines. Climb the vines and go right to get the Dirty Beaker. Leave the Museum.

    • 3

      Go left to the Living Quarters area (Gear Alley). Climb to the top of the blue building and jump onto the robot crab to get Sully's Key. Pick up the crab and the key. Go left and ride the air vent to the roof. Pick up the Vine. Go to Sully's on the right and use the Steam Battery to open the door. Solve the puzzle by setting the connectors so the pressure equals "minus 5." Enter the door and ring the bell to wake up Sprocket the robot. Get the Rubber Mallet from the junk pile on the left. Leave Sully's. Go right to the Hub of the Universe.

    • 4

      Use Sprocket to drop the crab onto the hatch cover. Go down the hatch. Use the vine on the steam pipe to kill the plant monster. Continue down and solve the three mazes at the bottom to restore power to the elevator. Return to the surface and throw the lever on the right side of the Hub. Go up.

    • 5

      Close the hatch covers to save Sprocket. Enter the Captain's quarters and ride the elevator up to the bedroom level. Look at the rotary dial below the portrait and turn the wheels so that the numbers read "0516" from top to bottom. Enter the secret passage. Get the Bridge Key on the left and the Mech Weed Whacker above it. Return to the Hub and go right to the Drawbridge.

    • 6

      Use the Steam Battery on the drawbridge. Raise the pressure by "plus 6" to cross to the Laboratory. Enter the Laboratory. Jump on the spring to reach the wrecking ball controls. Push all three levers down and press the green button. Enter the newly created hole.

    • 7

      Go right to reach the engine room. Press the three red pressure pads on each side of the room. Have Sprocket stand on one switch while you stand on the other. Make your way upward on the moving plates until you reach a lever. Press the lever to ride the final plate up to the next level.

    • 8

      Go right and climb the vine up to the conveyor belt. Travel left along the vines to the left conveyor belt and get the Mech Steam Motor. Go up the next vine. Go left to the chemical storage room. Use your Dirty Beaker to create an Herbicide with the following ingredients: 4 parts red, 2 parts green, and 1 part blue.

    • 9

      Go up the vine and stand close to the carnivorous plant. Use your Herbicide on it. Enter the Maintenance Closet behind it when it dies. Take the Steam Key and leave. Climb to the upper left and use the Rubber Mallet to break the glass dome and escape. Leave this area and go back to the Living Quarters area.

    • 10

      Jump onto the lever to the right of the blue building to raise the left platform. Use this platform to jump up to the building's door. Use your Steam Battery on the terminal. Solve the puzzle by setting the pressure to "minus 3." Enter the door. Pull the lever to activate the elevator. Use the elevator and ladder to reach Zack's room.

    • 11

      Solve the steam vent puzzle by using the given pieces to connect one steam vent to the other before time runs out. Go up the ladder and to the the left. Exit Zack's room and travel across the tightrope vine to get the Mech Crank. Go back to Sully's (the building on the right) and enter. Go into the garage.

    • 12

      Use the Steam Motor and the Mech Crank on the Mech. Enter the Mech and attach the Mech Weed Whacker. Ride the mech out of the garage and to the far left. Use the Weed Whacker to destroy the weeds blocking the door. Enter the door.

    • 13

      Jump down to the left. Use the Weed Whacker to kill any enemies that get close. Jump onto the large squishy plant, which will send you up one level. Leave the Mech briefly to turn the power wheel for the elevators. Continue traveling upward, killing plants as you go. Exit through the door at the top.

    • 14

      Walk left to the fan blades and use the Weed Whacker on the vegetation. Exit the Mech and climb the moving fan blades up to the Fan Gear control. Use the Multi-tool on the control to stop the fan. Get back into the Mech and enter the new doorway. Walk left to the Revival Machine and use the Multi-Tool to activate it.

    • 15

      Talk to Zack and Mayor Crumb. Exit the Mech and go to the weapons locker at the upper right to get the Toxic Blaster attachment. Enter your Mech and attach the Toxic Blaster. Go down the elevator. Travel through the room, killing all the plants that appear. Ride on the moving platform when you reach the end of the room. Kill the three boss monsters that appear to earn your Island Medallion. © HT Games