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Can You Combine Two Classes in World of Warcraft?

The "World of Warcraft" online game allows players to create characters belonging to one of several different classes. Although combining two different classes in a single character is not possible in the game, some of the character classes can perform several different roles, depending on talent specialization and gear. If your character belongs to one of these classes, you can switch to a new role once you are tired of your old one.
  1. Classes Covering Four Roles

    • Druids are the only class in "World of Warcraft" that can perform four different roles. The Balance talent tree allows druids to perform the role of magic ranged damage dealer, while selecting the Restoration tree turns druids into efficient healers; druids who select the Feral talent tree can fill the role of tank or melee damage dealer, depending on what talents they select.

    Classes Covering Three Roles

    • Characters belonging to the paladin or shaman class can perform three different roles. Paladins who specialize in the Holy talent tree and shamans who specialize in the Restoration tree are healers, while paladins who specialize in the Retribution tree and shamans who specialize in the Enhancement tree act as melee damage dealers; lastly, paladins who specialize in the Protection tree take on the role of tank, while shamans who specialize in the Elemental tree perform the role of magic ranged damage dealer.

    Classes Covering Two Roles

    • Warriors, death knights and priests can each perform two different roles. Warriors who select the Protection talent tree and death knights who select the Blood talent tree can perform the tank role; the other two talent trees, Arms and Fury for warriors and Frost and Unholy for death knights, are both dedicated to the melee damage dealer role. Priests who specialize in the Holy or Discipline talent trees take on the healer role, while those who specialize in the Shadow tree act as a magic ranged damage dealer.


    • Classes that can perform multiple roles are very versatile and can often help groups by performing whatever role the group is currently missing. On the other hand, characters in "World of Warcraft" are restricted to only knowing a maximum of two different talent specializations at a time; for example, if you have chosen the Balance talent tree as your druid character's first specialization and the Restoration tree as the second, you will need to visit a class trainer and remove one of them before you are able to select the Feral talent tree to fill the role of tank or melee damage dealer. Additionally, each role often requires a different and very specialized set of gear to be performed effectively; as a result, you may find yourself lacking inventory space due to the need to obtain and carry around several different sets of gear. © HT Games