Use the bear form within the "Feral" tree. The bear is the tanking form for the druid, allowing you to take damage and hold the mob's attention. When choosing gear, concentrate on items (in descending order of importance) that give your bear form stamina, agility, dodge rating, armor, mastery rating and critical rating.
Determine whether you will be tanking mobs by yourself or in a raid environment. If you are part of a guild that regularly does raids and instances, you should re-allocate your points into the "Infected Wounds" talent. This allows you to use the "Bash" attack more often, enabling you to keep single targets stunned or slowed. If you plan on playing mostly solo, concentrate on "Enrage" and "King of the Jungle" to tank multiple weaker mobs at once.
Use an ability rotation of "Faerie Fire" then "Mangle" then "Lacerate" then "Lacerate" again then "Pulverize" when tanking a single target. Use "Thorns" to pull multiple targets toward you, then use an ability rotation of "Swipe" then "Maul" then "Thrash" then "Maul" until all of the targets are dead.