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How to Get the Best DPS of a Balance Druid Cataclysm

The druid is a hybrid character class in the "World of Warcraft" online game. The Balance talent specialization aims to turn the druid into a ranged spell caster, which specializes in damaging enemies with powerful long-range spells. The "Cataclysm" expansion for "World of Warcraft" changed many talents and added different mechanics to the druid class. If you find yourself struggling with your DPS, there are several steps you can take to improve.


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      Adjust your talent specialization and glyphs to match the most effective ones, avoiding talents and glyphs that have no effect on your DPS. If you are unsure what choices are appropriate, use the official "World of Warcraft" armory to examine the talent spec and glyphs of other druids or look for information on websites dedicated to theorycrafting, such as

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      Ensure your gear has the correct distribution of stats. Intellect is the most important stat for Balance druids. Spirit and Hit Rating are also important, up to a maximum combined total of 1742, allowing your spells to never miss against any target. After Intellect, Spirit and Hit Rating, your most important stats are Haste, Mastery and Critical Strike, in that order.

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      Enchant, gem and reforge your gear to obtain the maximum benefit from it. The stat priority for gems, enchants and reforging is the same as the stat priority for gear; focus on the most important stats and try to obtain as much of them as possible.

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      Use consumables during fights. The best food you can use is Severed Sagefish Head, providing a bonus of 90 intellect; similarly, Flask of the Draconic Mind provides a bonus of 300 intellect and is the best flask available to you. Rather than using each fight's potion cooldown on a health or mana potion, you should use a Volcanic Potion, granting you an additional 1200 intellect for 25 seconds.

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      Practice your spell rotation on a target dummy. Begin fights by casting Insect Swarm and Moonfire on your target, then cast Starsurge; cast Starfire until you reach a Solar Eclipse state, then cast Wrath until you reach a Lunar Eclipse state. Continue switching between states, refreshing Insect Swarm and Moonfire when necessary and casting Starsurge whenever it is available. Force of Nature should be cast immediately at the beginning of a fight and as soon as it's available again; reserve Starfall, Wild Mushrooms and Typhoon for situations in which you are fighting multiple enemies. © HT Games