Online Marketplaces:
* eBay: Search for "Hoyles Card Games 1997" on eBay. You might find used copies or even new ones.
* Amazon: Check Amazon's used book section for "Hoyles Card Games 1997."
* ThriftBooks: This website specializes in used and discounted books.
* Abebooks: Abebooks is a marketplace for independent booksellers.
* This site searches multiple online bookstores for the book you're looking for.
Local Bookstores:
* Used Bookstores: Visit local used bookstores, especially those that specialize in older books.
* Libraries: Check your local library's collection, although they may not have the exact 1997 edition.
Other Resources:
* Antiques and Collectibles Shops: You might find a copy at an antique or collectible shop.
* Online Auctions: Websites like LiveAuctioneers or Invaluable might list auctions of books, including older editions.
Keep in mind:
* Rarity: Finding the exact 1997 edition might be difficult, as it's an older book.
* Condition: If you do find a copy, be sure to check its condition.
* Price: The price of the book will depend on its rarity and condition.
Alternative Solutions:
* Newer Editions: If you can't find the 1997 edition, you might consider looking for a newer edition of "Hoyles Card Games." The rules of most card games haven't changed drastically over the years.
* Online Resources: Many card games are well-documented online. You can find free rules and instructions for most popular card games.
Good luck with your search!