HT Games

Cheats for Medieval II Kingdoms

The "Kingdoms" expansion to the 2006 "Medieval II: Total War" PC game added four campaigns, several new playable factions and over 150 new units to the player's arsenal. You can adjust many aspects of the game through console commands and cheat codes.
  1. Fog of War and Automatic Win

    • Press the "tilde" key ("~") to open the console. All commands are case-sensitive. Enter the command "toggle_fow" to toggle the fog of war, which is represented by the black fog that covers undiscovered areas of the game map. While at the battle scroll, open the console and without the single quotes enter the command 'auto_win "attacker/defender."' Use "attacker" if you're attacking and "defender" if you're defending. After entering the code, press the "Auto Retaliate" button to win the match automatically.

    Free Gold and Instant Buildings

    • Open the console and without the single quotes enter the command 'add_money "amount."' Replace "amount" with the amount of gold you wish to receive. To spawn instantly any building in the settlement's building queue, enter the command without the single quotes 'process_cq "settlement name,"' replacing "settlement name" with the name of your settlement.

    Increase Population

    • To increase your settlement's population, open the console and without the single quotes enter the command 'add_population "settlement name" "amount,"' replacing "settlement name" with the name of your settlement and "amount" with the number of citizens to add.

    Characters and Coordinates

    • Open the console and enter the command "show_cursorstat" to toggle X- and Y-coordinates under your cursor. Enter the command "move_character Name X,Y" replacing "Name" with the name of any settlement or unit and "X,Y" with the coordinates where they will be moved. Do not use titles in unit names except for "Captain." To reset a character who is stuck, enter the command "character_reset."

    Creating Units

    • Open the console and without the single quotes enter the following command: 'create_unit "settlement or general" "unit ID" "amount (1-5)" "experience (1-9)" "armor (1-3)" "weapon (1-3)."' Replace values like "amount" and "armor" with the desired values and "unit ID" with a unit name such as "Longbowmen." Created units will spawn at the specified settlement or general.

    Adding Units to Stacks

    • Click on any city or unit to select it, then open the console and enter one of the following commands to modify the unit as desired: "george" for Mercenary Monster Ribault, "houston" for Mercenary Rocket Launcher, "istanbul" for Mercenary Monster Bombard, "madras" for Elephants, "rogan" for Elephant Artillery and "vindaloo" for Elephant Rocketeer.

    General Traits

    • Click on a character that is outside of a town, then open the console and without the single quotes enter the command 'give_trait this "trait" "trait level"' to grant that character any of the following traits up to its maximum level: "GoodCommander 5," "GoodInfantryGeneral 1," "GoodCavalryGeneral 1," "GoodAmbusher 5," "GoodAttacker 5" and "GoodDefender 5" to increase different types of command skills. Other traits include "Intelligent 3," "VictorVirtue 3," "PublicFaith 4," "BattleChivalry 5," "NaturalMilitarySkill 3," "Energetic 3," "HaleAndHearty 3," "PoliticsSkill 3," "MathematicsSkill 3," "FathersLegacy 3," "GoodTrader 3," "GoodMiner 3," "HighPersonalSecurity 3," "BattleDread 4," "Loyal 3" and "Brave 3."

    General Ancillaries

    • Select the character to whom you wish to grant the following ancillaries, then open the console and without the single quotes enter the command 'give_ancillary this "ancillary name,"' replacing "ancillary name" with one of the following for the desired effect: "apothecary" to have more kids, "bard" to increase morale and popularity and "drillmaster" to increase movement speed and discount recruitment costs. Other ancillary commands with varying effects include "brilliant_inventory," "doctor," "scribe_ancillary," "mentor," "foodtaster," "tutor," "bodyguard," "swordbearer" and "shieldbearer." © HT Games