Load up the "Call of Duty 5: World at War" game on your PC.
Select a single player game type.
Press the "~" key on your keyboard. You will find this directly below the the "Esc" key. This will bring up a command box in the top left corner of the screen.
Type "devmap mak" into the command box and press "Enter" on your keyboard. This will activate the cheat menu for the game.
Press the "~" button to bring up the command box again. Enter one of the following and press enter on your keyboard to activate the cheat hack:
God Mode: "god" - Allows you to control all parameters of the game.
No Clipping: "noclip" - Allows you to move through all walls and objects
Flight Mode: "ufc" - Allows you to move around the map going as high as you like.
All Weapons: "give all" - Gives you all of the weapons into your inventory.
Infinite Ammunition: "sf_use_ignoreammo 1" - Provides you with an unlimited supply of ammunition.
Double Health: "Demigod" - Doubles your health amount and allows you to survive explosions.
Commit Suicide: "kill" - Instantly kills your player.
Black and White Movie Mode: "sf_use_bw 1" - Turns the image on the screen into back and white.