HT Games

Diablo 2 Battlenet Hacks

Blizzard Entertainment released the action video game "Diablo II" for PC and Macintosh gamers in June of 2000. A year later, an expanded edition called "Diablo II: Lord of Destruction" came out. You play both versions of the game online against others, and they rely on a forum called Battlenet to connect. You can enter special hacks in Battlenet to unlock new items and abilities.
  1. Settings

    • In both "Diablo II" and "Diablo II: Lord of Destruction," you can enter hacks that will allow you to change game settings. To pick the number of players that appear in a "Diablo II" game, you must enter "/players x." In the "x" position, enter any number between one and eight to pick the number of players you want. To unlock all of the "Diablo II" sound effects, enter "soundchaosdebug." To toggle between playing music and hearing nothing on the title screen of "Lord of Destruction," press "CTRL" and "M." Toggle sound effects by pressing "CTRL" and "S."


    • You can alter the difficulty levels of your opponents. Once you enter "/players_3," the enemies become harder to kill. From this point on, the opponents get more difficult as you increase the number in the hack all the way up to eight. To also make the game more difficult by disabling save abilities, enter "_nosave." To play with no preloaded game settings, enter "_npl."


    • You can create new characters at specific skill levels once you enter hacks in "Diablo II: Lord of Destruction." Once you enter "-act1" you get a first level character for the first act. To get a level 16 character to appear in the second act, enter "-act2." In the third act, you can unlock a level 21 character by entering "-act3." By typing "-act4," you unlock a level 27 character to appear in the fourth act. A level 33 character shows up once you type "-act5." © HT Games