HT Games

Virtual Villagers: Cheats, Hits & Tips

"Virtual Villagers: A New Home" is the first video game in the "Virtual Villagers" series. Discover the secrets of the island and protect the villagers from the dangers that show up periodically. "Virtual Villagers" is a straightforward game that involves solving puzzles to move forward. However, there are plenty of cheats and tricks that can help players to get passed difficult puzzles and different ways to speed up the game.
  1. Villager Population

    • When the game begins, do not create children right away. More people on the island means that you will need to use more food. If too many are created close to the beginning, the inhabitants will run out of berries and starve.

    Grow Berry Bush

    • When the berry bush is empty, you can regrow some berries by dragging an "Adept Scientist" over to the cactus plant. Once the scientist has studied the cactus, berries will begin to grow. Put the game on fast-forward mode and the berry bush will be full of fruit in a short amount of time.

    Nursing Mothers

    • If you need all the villagers to work on the island, do not plan to have children right away. When the babies are born, the mother will care for the child until it grows into a toddler. She will not be able to work for a few days until the child is old enough walk.

    Fast Babies

    • A baby is made by dragging one adult to a villager of the opposite sex. The villagers will slowly walk to their hut and after a short time they will come back out of the hut. If the island population number is still the same and the woman is not holding a baby, you will have to try again. To speed up the process of creating new children, drag on adult onto the other. When you hear a kissing noise, drag the couple apart. If the woman has a baby in her arms, it worked, if not you will have to drag them onto each repeatedly, until she has a child. It usually takes between one to three tries to create a child. If you are at maximum population, no more children will be born.

    Create a Golden Child

    • "Virtual Villagers" will not end until a golden child has been created. Create the special child by checking for mothers holding a baby. If there are no current babies, you can use two adult villagers to create a child. Once a baby is born, drag and drop the nursing mother into the lagoon. A bit of magic will occur and the infant will grow into a toddler immediately and be the golden child.

    Fast Doctors

    • Doctors are created when you take a villager to heal sick inhabitant. However, to become a master doctor, that person will have to heal a large amount of sick villagers. Train the villager faster by dragging and dropping him onto the cactus. Every time he studies the plant, another doctor skill point will be awarded. © HT Games