HT Games

Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2006: Trophy Season Cheats

An entry into the popular Cabela's hunting video game series, "Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2006: Trophy Season" was released exclusively for PC gamers by Activision Value in September 2005. Rather than going after small prey, gamers are challenged to travel across several regions in search of large and dangerous animals. "Big Game Hunter 2006" players can take advantage of cheats to unlock hidden items, abilities and settings not initially available in the game.
  1. Settings

    • Gamers can enter cheat codes in "Big Game Hunter 2006: Trophy Season" that change the appearance and settings of the game. To enter these codes, players must pull up the cheat console and then type in the desired password. To change the time shown in the game, players must enter "Mod_settime <0-23> <00-59>". In the areas labeled "0-23" and "00-59" players must type the desired hour and minute setting in military time. Players can change their fatigue settings by entering "Mod_settiredness <number>." Where "<number>" is shown, the desired fatigue level should be entered. Players can also alter their hunter's hunger settings by typing "Mod_sethunger <number>" and entering their hunger level of choice in the "<number>" region.

    Items and Animals

    • Special items and animals are unlocked by entering cheat codes in "Big Game Hunter 2006: Trophy Season." To unlock special items for a hunter's bag, enter "Mod_autoequip." Players can acquire money by entering "Mod_needmoney <number>" and entering how much money they want in the "<number> field. Players can enter "Mod_spawnanimal" and then an animal's name to make any animal in the game appear. This is helpful for players who get impatient with waiting for an animal to show up. Players can also automatically follow the animals they find by entering "Mod_animalcam <0-1>" on their keyboard.


    • Players can also unlock special abilities in "Big Game Hunter 2006: Trophy Season" by entering codes in the cheat console. To transport directly to a hunting vehicle, players must enter "Mod_movetocar." Players are transported directly in front of one of the game's animals by entering "Mod_gotoanimal." To make a weapon instantly appear, players must enter "Mod_teleporthere." Players can control where they are on the "Big Game Hunter" map by entering "Mod_movetopos" and then entering the coordinates they want. To switch to a new part of the current stage, players must enter "Mod_movetoent" and then type the portion of the stage they want to be in. © HT Games