HT Games

Warcraft 3 1.22 Multiplayer Cheats

Warcraft 3 is a video game created by Blizzard Entertainment in 2002. This was the third installment of the series set in the Warcraft universe. Reign of Chaos was the original release, followed by the expansion pack, The Frozen Throne. Blizzard released the 1.22 patch to fix issues and glitches found by players. This patch affects both the original and expansion pack. Players can use the same cheat codes to obtain advantages over their opponents.
  1. The 1.22 patch

    • The 1.22 patch fixed a number of glitches within the Warcraft 3 games. For example, it removed the cool-down period on unlimited use items such as the Staff of Preservation. Four new mulitplayer maps were also available when players downloaded the patch. This patch can be found on the Warcraft or Blizzard entertainment websites. An internet search will also show other locations that provide the 1.22 patch for players. The codes for Reign of Chaos also work in the Frozen Throne expansion pack.

    Reign of Chaos

    • In the first game of this series, Reign of Chaos, players took control of one of four races: Humans, Orcs, Night Elves, or the Undead. To input a code, press the "Enter" key to open the cheat menu. Input your desired cheat then press "Enter" again. You will see the words ̶0;Cheat Enabled̶1; in the lower left-hand of the screen. Be forewarned that any code you enter while playing in a multiplayer match will also affect your opponent̵7;s teams. To turn these codes off, simply retype them into the cheat code box.

      The code ̶0;PointBreak̶1; removes the food storage limit for your group. Use the code ̶0;sharpandshiny̶1; to upgrade all of your level one units. Use the code ̶0;warpten̶1; to speed up the building of any new structures. To have unlimited mana for magic input the code ̶0;thereisnospoon.̶1; The code ̶0;whosyourdaddy̶1; will give all your units unlimited health and one-hit kill strength. To reveal the whole map enter the code ̶0;Iseedeadpeople.̶1;

    The Frozen Throne

    • The Frozen Throne is the expansion pack released for Warcraft 3. This game continues the story of Arthras and his fall to the side of evil. You can also input codes during multiplayer matches for added strategy. Your opponent's units will receive the same bonus from whichever code you use, so it̵7;s important to know when to use a code and when to turn it off. As with Reign of Chaos, you must first press the "Enter" key to open the cheat menu. From this point, type in the cheat code you want to use. Pressing "Enter" again will activate the code. Re-enter the code to turn it off.

      To have the ability to quickly research new technologies for upgrades, enter the code ̶0;whoisjohngalt.̶1; The code ̶0;thedudeabides̶1; will allow your units to instantly cast magic spells without the cool-down periods. Use the code ̶0;greedisgood (value)̶1; to increase your gold and lumber reserves by the value you enter in the parentheses. © HT Games