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Diablo Hellfire Cheats

"Diablo: Hellfire" for the PC is an action role-playing game (RPG) that gives gamers control of a man trying to rid the world of the dark lord Diablo. The game mixes puzzle-solving and action-based elements and places gamers into a dark fantasy world. While the game can be difficult to play through the normal way, there are a number of cheats that can be used to make it more accessible to the casual gamer.
  1. Transfer Character from Diablo

    • To transfer your character from the original "Diablo" game to "Diablo:Hellfire," find your save file on your computer and change the ending of the file name to ".HSV." The transfer includes all of the character's XP (experience points) and weapons.

    Bonus Quests and Character Class

    • Create a text file called "command.txt" and save it in your "Hellfire" game folder. Open the newly created file and enter: "multitest;cowquest;theoquest;bardtest;barbariantest." This gives your game the ability to access LAN (Local Area Network) which allows you to play a game with multiple computers that are working on the same network. It also allows you to access modem games to play online, unlocks the Cow Quest and the Theo Quest, and creates two new character classes: The Bard and the Barbarian. These new quests and character classes give hardcore gamers a completely different way to play through the story mode and provides them with a completely new experience.

    Free Rune Bomb

    • Rune bombs are an essential element of the action in "Diablo:Hellfire" because using them immediately kills any enemy that comes in contact with it (with the exception of bosses). During the normal game, the character Lester will give you a rune bomb to blow up the hives. Once you blow them up, do the bonus quests mentioned in "Section 2" using one of the new character classes. When you get back to this same point in the game, ask the crazy man in the corner to blow up the hives. He will do it for you, however you will still receive the free rune bomb.

    Duplicate Items

    • Having extra items gives your "Hellfire" character a competitive advantage in that he will have access to additional health, additional weapons and additional upgrades for his weapons. To duplicate your items, go into your inventory and right-click your mouse on your gold. Press "1" to put one piece of gold into a slot. Next, throw away whatever item you want to copy (weapons, rings, gold pieces, etc.). Walk 10 steps away from that item and left-click it to pick it back up. At the exact same time, press the letter "i" to enter your inventory and select the gold piece and the item that you just picked up and the gold piece will subsequently turn into that item. You now have duplicates--repeat this process as many times as you'd like. © HT Games