HT Games

Hints & Cheats for Westward III Game

"Westward III" is the third installment in the popular community simulation franchise known as "Westward." Developed by Sandbox Games, "Westward III" features exciting game play set in the Wild West. You are given the task of building your town from the ground up, accomplishing specific goals and defending your resources from invading bandits. With so much going on, the game can get quite difficult at times, especially in the later levels. Thankfully, there are several cheats and hints you can take advantage of to make your gaming experience with "Westward III" a slightly easier, less stressful one.
  1. Tasks

    • Always accept the additional tasks that are offered by the people who gather outside your town. While some of these tasks may take several minutes to complete, they will provide you with extra resources that can even be carried over and used in the next level.

    Water Supply

    • Build water wells within the limits of your town. Wells outside your town can still be tapped for water, but they are at a high risk of being attacked by bandits. This same ideology applies to water towers in "Westward III" as well. Also remember that a drought will have a direct impact on your town's ability to produce and collect water. This lasts until the drought is over.


    • Remember that gunslingers don't use up any resources like food, water or even housing. This is a huge advantage over other combat units in "Westward III," and you can use it to its fullest potential by stocking up on the number of gunslingers you have in your army.

    Map Exploration

    • Always take the time to fully explore each map. Doing so can uncover many secrets, including old buildings that you can destroy for wood or gold and trading posts that sell various goods. These trading posts can mean the difference between winning or losing on a map with very few resources available to collect.


    • Sheriffs and deputies are needed to keep law and order within your town. Not only do they throw town drunks in jail, but they also keep bandits away from the town's resources. When fighting against bandits, try to put all of your efforts into fighting one bandit at a time. With all of your lawmen attacking at the same time, fights can be won rather quickly using this method. Remember that any combat unit, including lawmen, will automatically attack a bandit who comes within its range. © HT Games