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Pirates of the Caribbean PC Game Cheats

Designed by Bethesda Softworks, "Pirates of the Caribbean" is a role-playing game inspired by the Disney movie of the same name. The game was released for the PC in 2003. There are several cheat codes available to alter the gameplay. To achieve these cheats, you must change the code in various locations of the Program File. The cheat codes for the PC version of "Pirates of the Caribbean" alter characters, game speeds and even game statistics. All of these codes benefit the player in skill level and ease of play.
  1. Alternate Characters

    • You can change your character to any of the game characters at the program file: "C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Pirates of the Caribbean\Program\Characters." At the character file, open the "characters_init" file and scroll down the file until you find ch.model = "captain". The character name "captain" could be any name, depending on your level. Simply change the name of the character in quotation marks with the one that you want to play. For example, you could insert "blaze," "chelovek," "fawn" or "killer".

    Avoiding Battles and Storms

    • Whenever a battle or storm begins at sea, simply press the "F3" button. If you press it as soon as the battle or storm appears, you will return to sea on your ship, avoiding the battle or storm.

    Changing Character Statistics

    • You can change your statistics only at the start of a new game. To change your character's statistics, go to the main program file: "C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Pirates of the Caribbean\Program\Characters" and open the "characters_init" file in the characters folder. Look for ch.skill.Leadership="1". When you find it, you can change that number from anything between 1 and 10. For example, you could change it to ch.skill.Leadership="8".

    Faster Sailing

    • For faster sailing, go to the main game folder at "PROGRAM\Interface" and open "interface.c." It will take some searching, but find the word "arcade," which will be followed by a long line of code ending in "if(bArcadeMode) return '2.0'". You can change this last number all the way up to 10.0. Save your game file. Now you will sail at the highest possible sailing speed, which is 10 times the original speed.

    Inside Attacks

    • Usually, your character will put his sword away when you enter buildings and other interiors. You can change this code by going to "X\Pirates of the Caribbean\PROGRAM\Loc_ai." At this location, you will find the code "location.noFight=1." Simply delete the word "no," and now your sword will stay drawn whenever you're inside. This means you can also use your weapon inside against enemies to attack where you couldn't before. © HT Games