HT Games

The Settlers Game Cheats

The Settlers was one of the first real-time strategy games, emerging into the market before its more popular cousins transformed the genre into a multi-million dollar industry. Although it lacks the graphic power of future RTSs, it possesses a depth of gameplay that others have yet to rival. In The Settlers, you must rapidly establish a dynamic civilization with bakeries, mills, farms, mines, blacksmiths, armories and dozens of other structures and professions. In the process, you compete against other civilizations as you vie for military dominance backed by economic superiority. There are 30 maps in total, which players must normally advance through sequentially. However, you can cheat, skipping ahead to any map of your choosing by selecting that map on the Mission screen and then entering the associated code.
  1. Levels 1-10

    • 1: START
      2: STATION
      3: UNITY
      4: WAVE
      5: EXPORT
      6: OPTION
      7: RECORD
      8: SCALE
      9: SIGN
      10: ACORN

    Levels 11-20

    • 11: CHOPPER
      12: GATE
      13: ISLAND
      14: LEGION
      15: PIECE
      16: RIVAL
      17: SAVAGE
      18: XAVER
      19: BLADE
      20: BEACON

    Levels 21-30

    • 21: PASTURE
      22: OMNUS
      23: TRIBUTE
      24: FOUNTAIN
      25: CHUDE
      26: TRAILER
      27: CANYON
      28: REPRESS
      29: YOKI
      30: PASSIVE © HT Games