HT Games

Gold Filigree Charm Recipe

"Neverwinter Nights 2," better known to gamers as NWN2, is an adventure-driven, role-playing fantasy game that takes place in the Forgotten Realms, popular in Dungeons and Dragons. One of the tasks the player may face is having his character create the Gold Filigree Charm.
  1. Gold Filigree Charm

    • The Gold Filigree Charm is used to summon Mephasm in Crossroad Keep. This charm requires Caster Level 1 of Mephasm Quest. In order to use the Gold Filigree Charm, you will need Faint Power Essence, Glowing Fire Essence, Star Sapphire and Gold Necklace. The recipe also requires The Darkness Spell, which is available to bards, clerics, sorcerers, warlocks and wizards.

    Summoning Circle

    • When the player walks to the summoning circle in Act III, Ammon Jerro offers up a warning. He will provide the player with the Gold Filigree Charm recipe.

    Crafting the Charm

    • The magician's workbench in the basement can be used to craft the charm. Keep in mind that crafting requires the wondrous items crafting feat. The items must be placed on the magician's workbench in the order they are listed in the recipe. If the recipe fails, the player will receive one of the following messages: "1) you don't have the necessary feat, 2) your caster level is too low, or 3) the recipe is invalid."

    Returning to Summoning Circle

    • After the Gold Filigree Charm has been crafted, the player should walk back to the summoning circle where Mephasm will appear. At this time the player will receive experience points. Once this point in the game has been reached, Mephasm can be summoned at any time simply by walking into the summoning circle.


    • Talk to Mephasm long enough and the subject of bargaining will always come up. Talking to him three times will make him change his mind about refusing to bargain and he will give the player a book that provides a clue about what he needs in order to bargain.

      When successfully bargaining with Mephasm, a player can receive items from weapons to armor to riches. Each bargaining session with Mephasm also makes a player more chaotic. © HT Games