HT Games

'Frozen Throne' Cheats

"Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne" is a real-time strategy game released for PC in 2003. It is also the expansion pack for "Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos," meaning you need this game to play Frozen Throne. There are a variety of cheats to make gameplay easier.
  1. How to Enter Cheats

    • Press the "Enter" key when playing in single-player mode. Input your chosen cheat code and press "Enter" again when you are done. A successfully entered cheat will result in the message, "Cheat Enabled," appearing. This method works for all cheats in this game.

    Win or Lose?

    • Enter the cheat "strengthandhonor" and it will be impossible for you to lose, no matter how you perform in battle. Or to quicken this process, type "allyourbasearebelongtous" and win instantly. Enter "itvexesme" to make winning an impossibility, or lose immediately by typing, "somebodysetusthebomb."

    Gold and Lumber

    • Input the cheat "leafittome X," replacing the X with a number, for that percentage of Lumber. For example, type "leafittome 50" for 50 percent Lumber. Type "keysersoze X" for X percentage of Gold. Input "greedisgood X" for X percent of both Gold and Lumber.

    Time of Day

    • Playing god is perfectly acceptable in "Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne," providing all you want to do is alter the time of day. Enter the cheat "riseandshine" and change the time to dawn. To make it dusk, input the code "lightsout."

    Pick Up the Pace

    • Waiting for things to happen is far from the most fun element in gaming, so rather than twiddle your thumbs, speed up these delays. Input the cheat, "warpten," to construct buildings and units faster. Type, "Iocainepowder," to quicken death and decay.

    Magic Spells

    • Magic is a big part of "Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne," so make your spells even more devastating by giving yourself the ability to use them instantly in any situation. To do this, enter the cheat code, "thedudeabides." Even with this cheat, your mana is still drained when using spells. To fix this problem, input, "thereisnospoon," for infinite mana.

    Other Cheats

    • Enter the cheat, "motherland (X) (X)" and replace the first X with the character race you would like to play as and the second X with the level you wish to play. You will immediately be taken to your desired level and play as your chosen race. Input the cheat, "pointbreak," to take away the limit on food or, "sharpandshiny," to boost all of your upgrades by one level. © HT Games