HT Games

Duke Nukem 3D High Resolution Cheats

The ̶0;Duke Nukem 3D High Resolution Pack̶1; is an update to the classic PC game from the mid 1990s. Created by a community of diehard fans, including graphic and modeling artists, the pack capitalizes on newer technology to update the otherwise outdated graphics of the popular game. As such, the original cheat codes of the game remain embedded within the game̵7;s source code.
  1. Duke Nukem's Phrases

    • Of course, the loud-mouthed Duke Nukem has a few things to say during the game. Press the ̶0;ALT̶1; button any button between ̶0;F1̶1; and ̶0;F10̶1; to hear a variety of different sayings with Duke̵7;s classic attitude.

    Cheat Codes

    • There are plenty of cheat codes in ̶0;Duke Nukem 3D̶1; that can be used to achieve various effects. These codes can be entered at any time during normal game play and work whether or not you have the ̶0;3D High Resolution Pack̶1; installed. Enter the code ̶0;dnkroz̶1; or ̶0;dncornholio̶1; to enable God Mode, enter ̶0;dnhyper̶1; for instantaneous steroids, enter ̶0;dnclip̶1; to enable Clipping Mode (which allows Duke to walk through certain walls), enter ̶0;dnnuj̶1; to enable the jetpack and enter ̶0;dnstuff̶1; for a full inventory of keys, weapons, ammo and items.

      Some codes are much more obvious. For example, enter ̶0;dnshowmap̶1; to reveal the entire level map, ̶0;dnunlock̶1; to unlock every door in a level, ̶0;dnmonsters̶1; to toggle monsters on or off, ̶0;dnending̶1; to end a level immediately, ̶0;dnweapons̶1; for all weapons and full ammunition and enter ̶0;dnview̶1; to enter 3rd-Person Mode.

      Other cheat codes in ̶0;Duke Nukem 3D̶1; are used to display messages from the original game developers. Enter the code ̶0;dnallen̶1; to receive the ̶0;Buy Major Stryker̶1; message, ̶0;dncosmo̶1; to receive the ̶0;Register Cosmo̶1; message and ̶0;dnbeta̶1; to receive the ̶0;Pirates Suck!̶1; message.

    Multiple Pipe Bombs

    • One well-place pipe bomb can cause a lot of damage in ̶0;Duke Nukem 3D.̶1; However, you can throw multiple pipe bombs and detonate all of them simultaneously with one detonator. Simply throw your first pipe bomb, quickly press the ̶0;6̶1; button and throw another. Now press the detonator, and watch all of your bombs go off at once. You can do this as long as you̵7;d like, and you can also place bombs in different locations if you wish.

    See Through Your Opponent's Eyes

    • You can even see through the eyes of your opponents during multiplayer matches in ̶0;Duke Nukem 3D.̶1; Enable the recording option and press the ̶0;K̶1; button during a match to view the level through your opponent̵7;s eyes. © HT Games