HT Games

Hints for Age of Empires 3

Age of Empires 3 for the PC gives gamers the opportunity to create their own civilization in the \"new world.\" Taking place in medieval times, Age of Empires 3 allows gamers to control all aspects of their empire by allowing them to simultaneously build the physical aspects of the empire and control the people that live in it. While the game can be difficult to understand as a result of the myriad options available to gamers, there are a number of hints that can make it easier to play.
  1. Unlimited Resources

    • Enter the game's folder from your desktop and click on the \"directory\" folder in the submenu. Click on the file marked \"proto.xml.\" Look for any text that begins with the phrase \"CrateOf\" (Note: you may have to uncheck the box marked \"text only\" to edit it). In this context, you will find \"CrateOf\" before all of the items available in the game: food, wood, coin, food large, coin large. Change the number before \"CrateOf\" to whatever you like--the max number you can type is 99999.0000. You will now have unlimited access to resources throughout the game.

    Easy Leveling Up

    • Open the file \"My Documents\\My Games\\Age of Empires 3\\Savegame\" on your computer and find the individual file marked \"sp_yourcityname_homecity.xml file.\" Search for \"<level>\" and you should come across a file called \"<level>xx<level>.\" Enter in any number to replace the \"xx\" and you will automatically advance to that level. The highest level you can reach in the game is 99.

    Unlimited Unlock Points

    • Open the file \"My Documents\\My Games\\Age of Empires 3\\Savegame \" on your computer and find the individual file marked \"sp_yourcityname_homecity.xml file.\" Find the file called \"<skillpoints>xx<skillpoints>.\" Enter in any number to replace the \"xx\" and you will automatically have that many skill points. The highest amount of skill points you can enter is 999.

    Access Hidden Units

    • Place a unit anywhere on the map and select the \"replace unit\" command from the menu under \"objects.\" In the drop-down menu, you will be given one of the following options: fluffy, flying purple tapir, learicorn, George Crushington, Lazerbear and Monster Truck A. Click \"replace unit\" with any of the aforementioned options and you will replace your unit with the hidden one. © HT Games