HT Games

McGee's Alice Cheats

The storyline of "American McGee's Alice," a PC game originally released in 2000," is a continuation of "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" by Lewis Carrol. It involves Alice's return to Wonderland to defeat the evil Queen of Hearts. A multitude of cheat codes are available for your use to enhance the game or to make it easier.
  1. Entering the Cheat Codes

    • To enter a cheat code in Alice, you must first bring up the command console: Press the "~" key, and you will see the console drop from the top of the screen. Once the console is visible, type any of the following cheat codes and press "Enter" to enable the cheat.

    Weapon Codes

    • To give yourself all weapons in the game, type "give all" in the command console. Typing "give" will net you infinite weapons and ammo. If you want a specific weapon, type "give_weapon.tik", replacing the word "weapon" with one of the following weapon names: blunderbuss, cards, demondice, eyestaff, icewand, jackbomb, jacks, knife, mallet, ragebox or watch.

    Defensive Codes

    • Several cheat codes increase your defensive capabilities. To enable god mode, which will make you impervious to all damage, type "god" into the command console. To make yourself invisible, use the code "Notarget". To refill your health meter back to the maximum amount, use the code "health".

    Miscellaneous Codes

    • The code "noclip" turns off clipping, which allows you to walk through walls and other solid objects. The code "fps" allows you to change the game's frame rate. You can switch to a first person view by using the code "cg_cameradist-45". Finally, you can change the gravity of the game world by using the code "SV_gravity# and replacing the "#" with a numerical value. The higher the number, the weaker the gravity. The default gravity value is 800. © HT Games