HT Games

Cheats for America's Army Delta Force

"America's Army: Delta Force" is a single-player, side-scrolling PC game loosely based on the free online shooter "America's Army." In "Delta Force," you are the last member of the elite Delta Force squad and are stranded behind enemy lines. You must avenge your fallen squad mates and fight your way past hundreds of enemies using dozens of different weapons and gear.
  1. Developer's Console

    • Press the tilde (~) key to access the game developer's screen. This screen is a console that you can use to give yourself items and abilities, or make changes to the in-game environment, by typing cheat codes (without the quotes). For example, type "paramsammo1" to get infinite ammo, "mpcheat ghost" to turn into a ghost capable of moving through walls and "mpcheat god" to make yourself invincible.

    More Cheats

    • Delta Force has many other in-game cheats that work using the console.

      Type "AR" for a saw, "S2" for a sniper rifle with a clip or "S" for an M81 sniper rifle with clip. "G" will give you an M16A2 with a grenade launcher and a variety of grenades, while "R" enables the M16A2 and clip.

      To extend your bullet-time indefinitely, type "iamtheone." Type "redlight" to mount a laser scope on all of your weapons.

      To obtain the AK47SU, type "AK47SU" or "GP" to get the AK47 and a grenade launcher as a secondary weapon.

      If you want the OPFOR machine gun, enter "RPK." To enable the Dragonov sniper rifle, type "SVD." If you want your melee damage enhanced, type "f."

      To double your characters' jumping ability, enter "nasa." Entering "gorilla" will double the reach and damage of your fists.

      Typing "excel" will enable escape mode. If you want karate power, enter "bruce." © HT Games