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Cheats & Codes for Age of Empires 3

"Age of Empires III" takes the franchise out of the dark ages and into colonialism as superpowers battle for control of the New World. And while the setting has changed, not much else has. You will still find yourself gathering wood, food and precious metals. But you can greatly improve your situation with some cheats.
  1. Resource Cheats

    • If babysitting settlers to make sure they're finding the resources you need in order to fuel your war machine has gotten boring, cheats can help. Press "Enter" and type in the cheat code during gameplay. Note that the codes are not case-sensitive and don't include the quote marks.

      "Give me liberty or give me coin" will give you 10,000 coins, which are necessary for many advanced buildings, units and upgrades. "Medium rare please" will give you 10,000 food, which is necessary for all units. "<Censored>" will give you 10,000 wood, which is necessary for constructing buildings and must also be used to purchase many units and upgrades. "Nova &Orion" will give you 10,000 XP, which is used to upgrade your home city and is normally acquired by killing your enemy's units and razing his buildings.

      A related cheat, "Speed always wins" increases build and gather speeds by 100 percent. Be careful though, your opponents will also benefit from this cheat's effects.

    Unit Spawn Cheats

    • These cheats will spawn the unit described at your home city's gather point. "Ya gotta make do with what ya got" will spawn a bombard, one of the strongest artillery units in the game. "Tuck tuck tuck" spawns an anachronistic vehicle: a red monster truck capable of running over and destroying any other unit in the game.

    Other Cheats

    • "This is too hard" will result in an instant victory, while "A recent study indicated that 100% of herdables are obese" will fatten all animals on the map, meaning you will be able to get more food than usual out of each animal. "X marks the spot" will reveal the terrain, treasure spots, trading post locations, herds, silver mines, Native American settlements and all enemy buildings. While there is no cheat to remove the fog of war, entering the code more than once will reveal any new buildings your enemies have built, allowing you to track their progress to some extent.

      "Sooo good" puts the name of the attacking unit above a fallen unit. For instance, if a unit is killed by a lancer, "Lancer'ed" will appear above that unit. While this cheat is more amusing than anything else, it does help you keep track of how many units you are losing or killing, because the color of the word will tell you which team lost the unit. © HT Games