Unlockable Weapons
To unlock the Chicago Typewriter in the main game, beat Separate Way once.
To unlock the Chicago Typewriter in Separate Way, clear Assignment Ada.
To unlock the Handcannon, get a five-star rank with every character in all Mercenaries stages.
To unlock the Infinite Rocket Launcher, beat the game once.
To unlock the Matilda, beat the game once.
To unlock the P.R.L. 412, beat the game on Professional Mode once.
Unlockable Characters
To unlock the character Ada, clear the Village stage with a rank of at least four stars.
To unlock the character Hunk, clear the Military stage with a rank of at least four stars.
To unlock the character Krauser, clear the Castle stage with a rank of at least four stars.
To unlock the character Wesker, clear the Waterworld stage with a rank of at least four stars.
Unlockable Game Features
To unlock the Alternate Title Screen, beat the game once.
To unlock Assignment Ada, beat the game once.
To unlock Mercenaries, beat the game once.
To unlock the Movie Browser, beat the game once.
To unlock Professional Mode, beat the game once on the Normal difficulty setting.
To unlock Separate Way, beat the game once.
Unlockable Costumes
To unlock the Ashley Special 1 costume, beat the game once.
To unlock the Ashley Special 2 costume, beat the Separate Way.
To unlock the Leon Special 1 costume, beat the game once.
To unlock the Leon Special 2 costume, beat the Separate Way.
To unlock the S.T.A.R.S. uniform costume, beat the game on Normal or Hard Mode.