HT Games

Age of Mythology Codigos

Age of Mythology puts the player in control of an ancient civilization and asks that player to gather resources, build cities and destroy his enemies to survive. Along the way, the player may run into snags--powerful enemies or a lack of resources--and battles or levels may be lost. To keep the game interesting and to help players beat the levels, the developers added several codes to the game.
  1. Resource and Imminent Victory Codes

    • Helpful codes that practically guarantee the player a victory give you gold, food, favor or instant victory. Press the "Enter" key in game to display a text box, and then type the code in all capital letters. Hit "Enter" again to activate the code. Type all codes in all capital letters without the quotation marks.

      Type "JUNK FOOD NIGHT" to receive 1,000 food units. You can type this code multiple times so your villagers will no longer have to gather this type of resource and you will be able to build more army units.

      Type "ATM OF EREBUS" for 1,000 gold units. Again, this can be typed numerous time to increase the gold amount.

      Type "TROJAN HORSE FOR SALE" to increase your resources by 1,000 wood units.

      Type "MOUNT OLYMPUS" to receive full favor.

      To achieve instant victory, type "THRILL OF VICTORY" into the text box. Whatever point you are at in the level when you type this code in, the game will automatically stop and you will win (even if you were down to your last man).

      Advance the game by typing in "CHANNEL SURFING," which will skip the player to the next level.

    Big Advantage Codes

    • Type "ISIS HEAR MY PLEA," and you will be able to control all the heroes available in your particular campaign. Heroes are more powerful than regular units, but they can still die and they must be used carefully. To speed up the building/research/training in your city, type "L33T SUPA H4X0R"; this will allow the player to quickly (sometimes instantly) build, research or train.

      To unlock the Lightning Storm, Earthquake, Meteor and Tornado god powers, type in "WRATH OF THE GODS." These are extremely powerful attacks. Typing "PANDORA'S BOX" gives you a random set of god powers. Typing "DIVINE INTERVENTION" allows you to use a previously used god power again.

      Players looking to scope out the territory can type in "LAY OF THE LAND," which will reveal the entire map. The converse to this (which will make the game harder) is typing "UNCERTAINTY AND DOUBT," which will hide the game map.

    Fun or Random Codes

    • Some codes are designed just for fun. Type in "GOATUNHEIM" to turn everyone in the game into goats (your hero will die, though). "WUV WOO" gives the player a flying purple hippo, while "I WANT THE MONKEYS!!!1!" gives the player a bunch of monkeys. Typing "RED TIDE" turns the water red. For a humorous god power, type "BAWK BAWK BOOM" for the Chicken Meteor god power.


    • Not all the codes will work in the multiplayer mode. The ones that do typically give all players the benefit of the code. Before using any code in a multiplayer setting, ask the other players if it is okay. © HT Games