HT Games

How to Use Insaniquarium Cheats

Insaniquarium is an insanely addictive game. Your goal when playing Insaniquarium is to purchase egg fragments. You do this by raising fish, but aliens are trying to devour your fish. Like any video game, there are cheats that can help you obtain your objective quicker. Use these simple cheats to help you save your pets.


    • 1

      Buy a guppy, and call it "Santa." It quickly turns red and white and sing Christmas songs. "Santa" also drops 20-shell bags.

    • 2

      Obtain carnivores, and feed them guppies. Repeat this until you have several carnivores. Then concentrate on getting creatures higher up on the food chain. Use additional guppies to feed the carnivores.

    • 3

      Use the "Up," "Up," "Down," "Down," "Left," "Right," "Left," "Right," "B" and "A" directional keys, in that order. This cheat unlocks Insaniquarium's "Sandbox Mode."

    • 4

      Change the appearance and sound of the game by typing the following cheats at any tank screen: "Space" changes background to a space theme; "Void" changes background to a blank white screen; "Supermegaultra" changes Preggo's birth noises; "Wavy" gives the tank background waves.

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      Feed the Insaniquarium monster in the second and third levels. This is the only way to defeat it. If possible, feed it star potion, but regular fish food works too. The higher the quality of the fish food, the quicker the monster dies.

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      Play with multiple Nostradamus fish. Set the game to "Adventure Mode." Wait until your fish turn green. They then drop snot, and then turn into Nostradamus. Repeat the cheat to obtain multiple Nostradamus fish.

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      Catch anything Brinkley throws. He not only throws money, but also items like treasure chests. The more valuable the item is, the more rare it is. Brinkley doesn't throw coins or beetles.

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      Destroy the Alien Signature Type-D as quickly as possible. Click on any torpedoes that are still flying, and your fish survive. © HT Games