HT Games

Gem Shop Cheats

Similar to popular puzzle game Bejeweled, Gem Shop is a free online puzzle game where the user must match colored gems in order to successfully create jewelry. As a Gem Shop owner, you are responsible for handling customer satisfaction, upgrading your gem shop and, of course, creating jewelry as quickly as possible. If the challenge turns out a bit too puzzling or you're simply looking to have a good time, use these cheats to gain an edge.
  1. Gem Shop Cheats

    • In order to activate a cheat code, you must first press "Enter" while playing and then quickly type in the cheat code to get the desired effect. Enter the cheat code "hipstress" in order to activate the stress setting. If you are looking to please your customers while they're waiting, enter "hip treats" to add one to each of your three treats. Enter "hipcombo" if you're in a pinch and are hoping for an increased chance of combo matches. If you want an increased number of tokens, enter the code "hipdollar."

    More Gem Shop Cheats

    • There are also cheats that help alter your customers' happiness. To increase your customer happiness by 500, type the cheat "hiphappy." If you're hoping for a harder challenge, you can also type "hipmad" to decrease your customer happiness by 500. In order to change what you receive after a gem match, type "hipcoal" for a lump of coal. You can also receive a flawed gem by typing "hipflaw." Finally, you can activate in-game cheat hotkeys by typing "hipcpponly."

    In-game Cheat Hotkeys

    • Once you have activated in-game cheats, you can press a variety of keys on the keyboard to enable the cheat. Press the "S" key to add $5,000 to your current sales. If you want a bigger boost, Press "Shift" and "S" to add $125,000 to your sales. To alter your tokens, press "T" to add 1. In order to add 50 tokens, you can also press "Shift" and "T." There are also two cheats you can use with your jewelry item. Press "J" to change the jewelry item you're working on. If you want to complete progress on it, press the "R" key.

    More In-game Cheat Hotkeys

    • You can also change your customer happiness using a hotkey instead of a cheat code. Pressing the "H" key after activating the cheat keys to increase customer happiness by 100; enter "M" to decrease customer happiness by 100. If you want to end the current level, press the "Up" key. In order to skip a level, press the "Right" key. To lose the current level, press "N." You can also lose the current game by pressing "Left." Finally, enter "U" to upgrade your gem shop after the current level. © HT Games