HT Games

Cheats for Half-Life: Uplink

"Half-Life" is a 1998 first-person shooter video game for the PC and the first in a series of games that remain in development, as of 2011. Before "Half-Life" was released, two demos were produced to showcase the game. "Half-Life: Uplink" was the second demo. Despite being a demo, "Uplink" has several cheats and hints to try out.
  1. Cheat Codes

    • Press the "~" key to make the cheat console window appear. Type "God" to become invincible, meaning you are invulnerable to enemy attacks or taking any kind of damage. Enter "Noclip" to have the ability to move through walls. Enter "Give Weapon_handgrenade" to add a hand grenade to your arsenal. Type "Give Weapon_shotgun" to arm yourself with a shotgun. For a handgun, enter the cheat "Give Weapon_9mmhandgun". For something that packs a more of a punch, enter "Give Weapon_rpg" to receive a rocket-propelled grenade launcher. If bullets and explosives aren't your thing, use the cheat "Give Weapon_crossbow" to add a crossbow to your selection of weapons.

    Secret Room

    • As soon as the game starts, walk into and use the elevator. Head into the room on your left as you exit the elevator. Pick up the crowbar and strike the soft drinks machine. Quickly move backwards because the machine will topple over, potentially harming you. Go to the hole in the wall behind the machine and press "E" to turn the valve so the gas stops spraying out. Walk through the wall with your flashlight out. Ascend the ladder and continue walking forwards until the floor gives way and you drop into a hidden room. Pick up the secret pistol and shotgun ammunition.

    Health Boost

    • While in the hazard course, go to the room with a pair of security guards and one scientist. Go over to the soft drinks machines and press "E" to use one. The machine releases a drink that can boost your health by 1. After a short wait, you can use this machine again. Keep repeating this process to improve your health.

    Bulletproof Scientist

    • Go down the manhole in the dome building with the blown-up entrance. You will encounter a scientist sitting in one of the corners. Shoot him twice as you are talking, and he will be miraculously unscathed. The scientist will stand up and run away. © HT Games