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How to get Arcane Edge in The Sims Medieval

The Arcane Edge is the key ingredient in crafting the Doomstaff in The Sims Medieval. It is described as an "unfinished blade of cruel, dark metal." It is given after a very rare event in the forest and can take some time to acquire. Expect to have to repeat the following steps quite a few times before you are successful. Once you obtain it, you will need to give it to the blacksmith -- either during the same quest or a future quest -- since the blacksmith forges the Doomstaff.


    • 1

      Pick a quest where the wizard is one of the playable characters.

    • 2

      Increase your wizard's focus meter until it is full. Taking baths, drinking drunk-me-not potions, eating a good meal and picking some herbs are all quick ways to boost the focus meter.

    • 3

      Order the wizard to take a stroll through the forest.

    • 4

      Repeat Step 3 until a random event appears that talks about a dark figure standing on a bridge. You will be given the choice to "Pay the toll" or "Fight the guard." Choose "Fight the guard."

    • 5

      Repeat Steps 1 through 4 if you don't win the fight with the guard the first time. © HT Games