HT Games

Hints for Nancy Drew: The Haunted Carousel

Based on the young adult book series, "Nancy Drew: The Haunted Carousel" puts players in Nancy's gumshoes as she tries to solve her newest mystery. The game is full of suspense and puzzles to challenge players as they explore. In order to succeed, players will need patience, persistence and attention to detail.
  1. Full Interrogation

    • Interrogation is a valuable skill to any sleuth. While exploring the park, ask every possible question of every possible subject in order to learn all the information you can. If you get stuck in the game, go back and talk to every person again in case one of them has new information.

    Examine Everything

    • In every room or area, try every movement and examine every object you can. Many objects might not seem useful at first, so examine each thoroughly. You're likely to find a use for them later.

    Consult Nancy's Laptop Often

    • With each return to the hotel, Nancy takes notes on her laptop. If you get stuck, review these notes to see if Nancy has drawn any new conclusions that you might have missed.

    Take Notes Yourself

    • A good detective takes plenty of notes. Keep a notebook handy as you play to jot down interesting areas and situations, images and signs, and anything else that might strike you as useful. © HT Games