HT Games

Doggie Dash Hints

"Doggie Dash" is a downloadable PC game, developed by PlayFirst, in which players manage a salon that pampers dogs and cats. It's part of PlayFirst's "Dash" series of time-management games, which includes "Diner Dash," "Wedding Dash" and "Cooking Dash."
  1. Pet Breeds

    • Poodles and Siamese cats are the least patient customers, and should always be taken first. Persians and Dachshunds are very patient and can be left until later. Shih Tzus and Yorkshire terriers are noisy and make the pets around them lose patience, so move them through the stations as quickly as possible. Sprinkles is a special cat that adds an extra heart to all pets around him, so keep him in the shop as long as possible.

    Missing Partner

    • If your partner is off sick, you'll be responsible for taking the pets to the exit. Don't forget this step or you'll lose points and pets. Don't buy the Playpen station if you're on your own, since they'll just create more steps to go through.

    Flag Bonuses

    • Collect flag bonuses by placing the same type of pet onto the same station multiple times in succession. Try assigning each station to the same type of animal for the whole level to make it easier to remember where each animal goes to pick up the bonus.

    Full Heart Bonuses

    • If a pet has five stars at the end of its treatment it will earn a Full Heart Bonus. To earn this every time, wait until the pet is at the last station and give it a treat to refill its heart meter to maximum.

    Swapping bonuses

    • Earn swapping bonuses by swapping two animals of the same type (two cats or two dogs) between two stations.


    • Go to the podium as many times as you can, especially before accepting a new customer. Pets will earn a heart boost each time the podium activates. While waiting for the podium to charge, use the time to look around the shop and plan your next move.

    Buying in Pairs

    • Always buy two of every type of station, including playpens, so you can assign one to each type of animal and earn flag bonuses. There's no need to ever buy a third station. Instead, spend the extra cash on upgrades and treats.


    • Upgrade your stations at the same time so they run at the same speed. If some stations run faster than others it will throw off chaining and bonus opportunities.

    Jukeboxes and Stages

    • Jukeboxes give every pet at a station additional hearts, and Stages add hearts to every pet waiting in line at the counter. Wait until you have a lot of pets in the shop before using these power-ups, to maximize their effect. © HT Games