Things You'll Need
Edit the transfers on FM08 using a data update. Websites such as CM Frenzy, FM Scout and Sort It Out, SI will have FM08 data updates in their "download" sections, as well as many other tools for altering or expanding the FM08 experience. Find a suitable data update and save it to your hard drive.
The data update will usually come as a zip or rar file. Using a program such as WinRAR or WinZip, extract the contents of the file into the directory "My Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2008/db."
Double-click the FM08 icon to load Football Manager 2008. When you click "Start New Game", you should be presented with a choice of databases to select from. The game's default setting is the original database, but you'll now also have your newly added databases with transferred updates to choose from. You can add as many new databases to update the game to the "My Documents/ Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2008/db" folder as your hard drive's memory will allow.