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Gold Hack for Warcraft III Version 1.20

Three different editions of "Warcraft III" were released for PC and Macintosh gamers in the early 2000s. "Battlechest" and "Reign of Chaos" both represent different titles, while "The Frozen Throne" includes both of these games, plus extra features. All of the "Warcraft III" titles include hacks to get more gold. Even if you have upgraded to future versions, such as 1.20, all hacks remain functional.
  1. Getting Gold

    • In all versions of "Warcraft III," you use the same hack to get unlimited amounts of gold. Make sure that cheats are enabled by going to "Options" and enabling them. Once this is done, press "Enter" on your keyboard during your game. Type "keysersoze," then enter the amount of gold you wish to receive. The gold will automatically be added to your inventory. The name of the hack refers to the central character in the 1995 movie "The Usual Suspects," starring Kevin Spacey.

    Alternate Gold Hack

    • Another hack in "Warcraft III" gives you the chance to add gold and lumber at the same time. Enable cheats in the "Options" menu and once again hit the "Enter" key to pause your active game. Type in "greedisgood" and your gold and lumber supplies will immediately be increased by 500 units each. To get a specific amount of wood instead, just type "leafittome" and the amount of wood you want.

    Other Items

    • To get unlimited mana, enter "thereisnospoon" after following the instructions for the gold hacks. You can upgrade all of your items and characters by one power level each if you hit "Enter" and type in "sharpandshiny." Get access to the entire game map by typing "Iseedeadpeople" after pausing the game. In single-player mode, hit "Enter" and type "TenthLevelTaurenChieftain" to unlock an additional song for the soundtrack.


    • Hacks also let you gain new abilities in all versions of "Warcraft III." Your army wins its battle if you type "allyourbasearebelongtous." Type "warpten" to build your civilization faster than the game normally allows. Get rid of the limit on rations by entering "PointBreak" and allow yourself to cast consecutive spells by entering "TheDudeAbides." Clear out all the trees by entering "abrakadabra." Pick which level you want to play, as well as race and level number, by entering "motherland." This hack applies even if you have not yet reached the stage. © HT Games