HT Games

Cheats for Star Trek: Armada 2

Set in the "Next Generation" universe, "Star Trek: Armada II" is a real-time strategy game that allows players to command a fleet as a member of the Klingon, Borg or Federation. To enter the following cheats, simply pause the gameplay and use the keyboard to type the code.
  1. Remove Enemy Science Ships

    • To make all enemy science ships disappear, type "nomoreships." This will give you fleet a distinct tactical advantage in numbers.

    Faster Production

    • There are two ways to increase the speed at which your available resources regenerate. To enable faster production of ships, type "youstopmecold." For faster crew production, type "avoidance."


    • In order to gain more Dilithium, increasing the amount of credit at your disposal, type "showmethemoney."

    Instant Win

    • In order to automatically win your current mission, type "kobayashimaru." This will end your mission and allow you to immediately progress forward. © HT Games