HT Games

How Do I Get Past the Temple of Euryale in 'God of War 2' After the Battle?

An action adventure brawler released exclusively on the PlayStation 2, "God of War 2" continues the story of Kratos, and his quest for revenge against the gods of Olympus. After killing Aries and taking the power of the god of war in the first game, Kratos finds himself trapped in Tartarus after Zeus betrays him. Determined to fight his way out of the afterlife, Kratos begins his quests to cheat death. After defeating Euryale in her temple, players must solve a puzzle involving several turnstiles and waterways. Solving the puzzle requires players to pull four colored levers in the correct order.


    • 1

      Walk to the white lever directly in front of the save point, and rotate it clockwise until the platform rises and locks into place. Jump to the shorter platform, and pull the lever that opens a gate at the bottom of the nearby pool. Activate the Amulet of the Fates before jumping into the pool in order to slow time down enough to allow you to swim through the gate before it closes.

    • 2

      Swim to the top of the next chamber, climb out of the pool and walk over to the yellow lever. Rotate the lever, raising the platform, until it locks into position, and then jump back into the pool and swim down to the lever next to the gate you just swam through.

    • 3

      Swim through the newly opened double gate using the "R1" swim-dash move to ensure you get through both gates before they close, and trap you under water to drown. Swim to the top of the pool, jump out and turn the red lever until it locks into position. Jump back into the pool, and swim down to the wooden door at the bottom of the pool.

    • 4

      Use the "R1" swim-dash move to break through the wooden door. Swim to the top of the pool in the new chamber, jump out and rotate the green colored lever until it locks into position. Pull the lever across from the green lever, and walk through the newly opened door.

    • 5

      Defeat the enemies in the next room by using strong combos that deal large amounts of damage. Rotate the lever in the room until the platform stops raising. Letting go of the lever will cause the platform to slowly descend.

    • 6

      Activate the Amulet of the Fates, and then climb the nearby ladder. Wait for the Amulet to stop working, reactivate it, and then begin swinging from each platform you just raised. Successfully swinging across all four platforms will allow you to complete the Temple of Euryale stage. © HT Games