HT Games

Ratchet & Clank Gladiator Cheats

"Ratchet &Clank Gladiator" is the PAL version of the "Ratchet and Clank" gaming series. In this fourth iteration of the game, you take control of Ratchet, who has been kidnapped along with his friends Clank and Al to compete in the Dreadzone. You must fight in the competition and figure out how to remove the explosive collars from your bodies before you can escape from the Dreadzone. The game plays as a third-person shooter game, and can have its difficult moments. But the game comes bundled with hidden cheats which allow you to become very powerful quickly and help you to beat the game easily.
  1. Unlimited Ammo

    • Play co-op mode with the second controller hooked up. Press start on controller one, then punch in the following button sequence in controller two: X, X, Square, Triangle, X, Square, Up, Down, Up, Down.

    Skill Points

    • Start in co-op mode and press start on the first controller. Then on the second controller press X, X, Square, Square, Square, Triangle, Up, Left, Right, Down. You will now have every skill points in the game.

    Unlock All Skins

    • In co-op mode, pause the game with controller one. Then on controller two press X, X, Triangle, Triangle, Square, Up, Up, Up, Down, Square. You will now have all the skins unlocked.

    Play as Ace Hardlight

    • To access this hidden playable character, you must be in co-op mode and have controller 2 hooked in. After pausing with controller one, take the second controller and press X, X, Square, Square, Square, Square, Up, Left, Left, Down. You will now be playing as "Ace Hardlight."

    Level Up after Every Kill

    • To level up one level per kill, be in co-op mode and pause with the first controller. Then on controller two press X, X, Square, Circle, Circle, Circle, Circle, Square, Triangle, Right. Now shoot away and every kill you make will boost you up one level immediately. © HT Games