1,000 Food
Enter CHEESE STEAK JIMMY'S as a password to receive 1,000 food.
1,000 Gold
Enter ROBIN HOOD as a password to receive 1,000 Gold.
1,000 Stone
Enter ROCK ON as a password to receive 1,000 Stone.
1,000 Wood
Enter LUMBERJACK as a password to receive 1,000 Wood.
Enter AUTOMPSAVE as a password to automatically save your game.
Destroy All Enemies
Enter BLACK DEATH as a password to destroy every enemy in the level immediately.
Immediate Building
Enter AEGIS as a password to receive a building immediately.
Reveal Map
Enter MARCO as a password to reveal the entire map.
Remove Fog of War
Enter POLO as a password to remove the fog of war. This means that any area your units have explored on the map will remain exposed even after your units leave.