HT Games

Game Cheats for Grand Theft Auto: Vice City on PS2

Developer Rockstar Games' Grand Theft Auto video game series has left a path of bloody destruction in its wake, and "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City" takes this violent formula and puts it in a "Miami Vice" meets "Scarface" story and environment. The element that makes "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City" fun, is ability to use cheats to get more money, better cars and the best weapons.
  1. Vice City

    • Released in October of 2002 for the PlayStation 2 (PS2), "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City" combines the excitement and variety of racing games with the brutality of shooting games, and puts it in an open world setting. The story follows Tommy Vercetti and his rise to establish his dominance in the world of organized-crime by taking control of Vice City. To become Vice City's kingpin of crime, Tommy has to take out rival drug-dealers and crime bosses, and make his money. "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City" allows cheats for gamers who need a little help through the more difficult parts of the game.

    Cheaters Win

    • The vast amount of weapons you can use in "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City," and the infinite amount of victims you can use them on is what gives this game its appeal. Using one of the three weapon cheats available, allows the gamer to bypass having to hunt down gun shops to buy guns and ammo, or going through missions to obtain new weapons. These weapon cheats provide a weapon from every weapon class. The first weapon cheat includes a flamethrower; enter it during gameplay by pushing "R1," "R2," "L1," "R2," "Left," "Down," "Right," "Up," "Left," "Down," "Right," "Up." The second weapon cheat includes a rocket launcher and katana; enter it during gameplay by pressing "R1," "R2," "L1," "R2," "Left," "Down," "Right," "Up," "Left," "Down," "Down," "Left." The third weapons cheat includes a chainsaw. Enter this cheat during gameplay by pushing "R1," "R2," "L1," "R2," "Left," "Down," "Right," "Up," "Left," "Down," "Down," "Down."

      One of the best ways to make a lot of cash in a hurry is by running down pedestrians with a car, then getting out and taking the money they've dropped. This method allows the player to get a lot of kills without putting themselves in serious danger or wasting ammo, but the bigger the spree the more cops will come to stop you. The Lower Wanted Level cheat gets the cops off your back, and allows you to continue your rampage. Enter this cheat during gameplay for the PS2 push "R1," "R1," "Circle," "R2," "Up," "Down," "Up," "Down," "Up," "Down." This cheat is good for anytime you're in trouble with the law.

    Give Me Your Car

    • The Grand Theft Auto series has always had a great variety of vehicles to use, and Vice City is no different, but like the weapons, you have to play through missions to be able to drive some of the more prestigious ones, unless you use cheats. To drive Romero's Hearse enter this code during gameplay by pushing "Down," "R2," "Down," "R1," "L2," "Left," "R1," "L1," "Left," "Right." To drive the Bloodring Racer enter this code during gameplay: "Down," "R1," "O," "L2," "L2," "X," "R1," "L1," "Left," "Left." To drive the Rhino Tank enter this code during gameplay: "O," "O," "L1," "O," "O," "O," "L1," "L2," "R1," "Triangle," "O," "Triangle."

      These cheats will help you dominate the world of organized-crime and lay claim as Vice City's kingpin. © HT Games