HT Games

Mortal Kombat Deception Fatality Cheats PS2

"Mortal Kombat: Deception" is a gory brawler that pits you against the more than 20 dangerous characters. Each character has two fatalities or extremely violent finale moves, that can be used when you win the match. Mortal Kombat is an exciting and visually stunning game that will keep you entertained.
  1. Mortal Kombat Fatalities

    • Fatalities can only be done when you are winning a match and the announcer says, "Finish Him." This will put your opponent in a daze and give you enough time to punch in the code associated with your character.

      Press "Down, Down, Up, Up, and Triangle" while close to your opponent, to perform Ashrah's first fatality; and "Forward, Down, Forward, Down and Triangle" while a few feet apart from your opponent to perform Ashrah̵7;s second fatality.

      Press "Forward, Up, Down and Triangle" while you are close to an opponent to perform Baraka's first fatality; and "Forward, Down, Back, Forward and Triangle" while a few feet from your opponent to perform Baraka̵7;s second fatality.

      Press "Down, Up, Forward, Forward and Triangle" while a few feet from your opponent to perform Bo̵7; Rai Cho̵7;s first fatality; and "Up, Back, Forward and X" while a few feet from your opponent to perform Bo̵7; Rai Cho̵7;s second fatality

      Press "Up, Down, Back, Forward and X" while a few feet from your opponent to perform Darrius̵7; first fatality; and "Down, Forward, Forward, Up and Square" while close to your opponent to perform Darrius̵7; second fatality.

      Press "Down, Back, Back, Down and X" while a few feet from your opponent to do Ermac̵7;s first fatality; and "Back, Down, Back, Down and Circle" while a few feet from your opponent for Ermac̵7;s second fatality

      Press "Down, Forward, Forward, Up and Circle" while close to your opponent to perform Havik̵7;s first fatality; and "Forward, Forward, Forward, Back and Triangle" while a few feet from your opponent to do Havik̵7;s second fatality.

      Press "Forward, Up, Back, Down and Square" while a few feet from your opponent to do Hotaru̵7;s first fatality; and "Down, Forward, Back, Forward and Triangle" while close to your opponent to perform Hotaru̵7;s second fatality.

      Press "Back, Forward, Up, Forward and Square" while a few feet from your opponent to do Jade̵7;s first fatality; and "Back, Forward, Forward, Forward and Triangle" while close to your opponent to perform Jade̵7;s second fatality.

      Press "Forward, Up, Up, Up and X" while close to your opponent to perform Kabal̵7;s first fatality; and "Up, Up, Down, Down and Triangle" while close to your opponent to perform Kabal̵7;s second fatality.

      Press "Forward, Forward, Back, Back and Triangle" while a few feet from your opponent to do Kenshi̵7;s first fatality; and "Up, Forward, Back, Forward and Triangle" while a few feet from your opponent to do Kenshi̵7;s second fatality.

      Press "Back, Forward, Forward, Back and Circle" while far away from your opponent to perform Kira̵7;s first fatality; and "Up, Forward, Down, Back and X" while a few feet from your opponent for Kira̵7;s second fatality.

      Press "Down, Back, Forward, Down and Circle" while close to your opponent to perform Kobra̵7;s first fatality; and "Forward, Back, Forward, Forward and Triangle" while close to your opponent to perform Kobra̵7;s second fatality.

      Press "Forward, Forward, Forward, Forward and Square" while a few feet from your opponent to do Li Mei̵7;s first fatality; and "Up, Back, Forward, Forward and Circle" while a few feet from your opponent to do Li Mei̵7;s second fatality.

      Press "Back, Back, Back, Forward and Triangle" while a few feet from your opponent to do Liu Kang̵7;s first fatality; and "Forward, Forward, Up, Up and X" while a few feet from your opponent to do Liu Kang̵7;s second fatality.

      Press "Forward, Forward, Down, Down and Square" while a few feet from your opponent to do Mileena̵7;s first fatality; and "Up, Up, Forward, Forward and X" while far away from your opponent to perform Milenna̵7;s second fatality.

      Press "Back, Forward, Back, Forward and Square" while far away from your opponent to perform Nightwolf̵7;s first fatality; and "Down, Forward, Down, Up and Triangle" while a few feet from your opponent to do Nightwolf̵7;s second fatality.

      Press "Back, Down, Forward, Down and Square" while a few feet from your opponent to do Raiden̵7;s first fatality; and "Up, Down, Forward, Forward and Square" while far away from your opponent to perform Raiden̵7;s second fatality.

      Press "Forward, Down, Forward, Forward and Square" while a few feet from your opponent to do Scorpion̵7;s first fatality; and "Forward, Back, Forward, Back and Square" while close to your opponent to perform Scorpion̵7;s second fatality.

      Press "Up, Down, Down, Forward and X" while close to your opponent to perform Shujinko̵7;s first fatality; and "Back, Up, Forward, Forward and Square" while close to your opponent to perform Shujinko̵7;s second fatality.

      Press "Back, Forward, Forward, Back and Square" while a few feet from your opponent to do Sindel̵7;s first fatality; and "Up, Up, Back, Forward and X" while a few feet from your opponent to perform Sindel̵7;s second fatality.

      Press "Forward, Back, Down, Forward and Triangle" while close to your opponent to perform Sub-Zero̵7;s first fatality; and "Back, Down, Forward, Down and Square" while a few feet from your opponent to do Sub-Zero̵7;s second fatality.

      Press "Forward, Down, Down, Down and Square" while close to your opponent to perform Tanya̵7;s first fatality; and "Up, Back, Forward, Up and Triangle" while close to your opponent for Tanya̵7;s second fatality. © HT Games