Collect 10 Vespoid wings, five Machalite ores and three Genprey hides while out on quests, as well as 2700 "z," the game's currency, by completing these quests. Return to town and trade these items with the salesman at the equipment stand who will forge any piece of Vespoid armor for you. This armor will unlock the hidden quest "The Shadow in the Cave." Speak to the Noble Lady and she will assign this quest to you.
Collect five Cephalos scales, one Cephalos fin, two Machalite ores, three iron ores and 4700z. Return to the salesman and have him create a Cephalos helm or Cephalos mail. Collect five iron ores to have him create a Cephalos tasset, vambraces, or greaves. Take your armor and speak with the Troubled Noble, who will unlock the hidden quest "Terror of the Gravios."
Collect one crimson horn, two Monoblos shells, three Machalite ores and five Ioprey hides for a Monoblos helm; two crimson horns, one Monoblos spine, one Monoblos shell and one Machalite ore for a Monoblos mail; or one crimson horn, one Monoblos spine, two Monoblos shells and two Machalite ores for Monoblos vambraces. Each also requires 10500z. Speak with the forger and ask him to make the Monoblos armor for you. Take your armor and speak with the Border Captain who will unlock the hidden quest "The Runaway Diablos."
Complete the "Terror of the Gravios" hidden quest and return to town. Talk to the Royal Armorer and he will request that you bring him one powderstone to him. This unlocks the "Handle with Care!" hidden quest.
Complete every one-, two-, three-, four- and five-star quest in the game and all of the hidden quests. Talk to the Village Chief once again and he will request that you slay a pair of enemy monsters, a Rathalos and a Rathian, which unlocks the game's final quest, "A Troublesome Pair."