Stay away from Venom when he begins attacking. Keep Spider-Man moving around Venom and the area with jumps and web swings.
Run up to Venom as he finishes his attack and unleash the following combo: "Square" button, "Square" button, "Triangle" button, "Triangle" button.
Jump away from Venom and continue jumping, as Venom will unleash a ground attack.
Use your adrenaline attack when the adrenaline gauge has filled up. Press "L1" and the "Circle" button to perform this attack on Venom for added damage.
Repeat the attack-and-dodge strategy until you see a green exclamation point displayed onscreen.
Run to the source of the exclamation point and press the "Triangle" button to slam the metal girders down. This will stun Venom.
Attack Venom with multiple combos while he is stunned. When he recovers from the stun, retreat back.
Repeat the girder slam two additional times to finish off Venom.