Let the first Gadgebot drop onto the lower platform. Use the "Triangle" button to open the job menu, then detonate him when he reaches the block just before the rope.
Wait for the second bot to drop down two platforms. Open the job menu and instruct it to form a bridge over the gap between the two-block set and the single block.
Let the third Gadgebot drop down to the directional pad. Use it to form a bridge when it reaches the gap in front of the teleporter.
Monitor your fourth and fifth Gadgebots as they emerge. Instruct the fifth bot to form a bridge where the first bot detonated. Switch to your fourth bot as it reaches the teleporter and instruct it to electrify.
Use your fourth Gadgebot to form a bridge after it falls from the platform after teleporting. Switch to the sixth Gadgebot and instruct it to swing across the gap. It will walk into the house and the level will be complete.