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How to Get Unlockable Characters on Dragonball-Z Tenkaichi

"Dragonball-Z Tenkaichi" for the PlayStation2 brings characters together from the Dragonball-Z universe in a fighting game, whose battles resemble the style and scale of those in the show. A plethora of characters can be unlocked in two basic methods: from battles with certain characters, or from the "fusion" of items that you obtain during battles in Z Gate Mode. To fuse your items, enter the "Evolution Z" mode and select the "Z Item Fusion" option.


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      Unlock the following characters in Z Battle Gate Mode:

      Android 16 by beating Cell with him;

      Android 17 by beating him with Piccolo;

      Android 18 by beating her with SSJ Vegeta;

      Android 19 by beating him with SSJ Vegeta;

      Android 20 by beating him with Piccolo;

      Burter by beating him with Goku;

      Cell 2nd Form by beating him with Super Saiyan Super Vegeta;

      Cell Perfect Form by beating him with SSJ2 Gohan;

      Demon King Dabura by beating him with Gohan;

      Dodoria by beating him with Vegeta;

      Frieza 2nd form by beatin him with Kid Gohan;

      Frieza 3rd by beating him with Vegeta;

      Frieza Final Form by beating him with Goku;

      Ginyu by beating him with Goku;

      Goten by beating Adult Gohan with him;

      Gotenks by beating Super Buu with SSJ Gotenks;

      Guldo by beating him with Chiaotzu;

      Hercule by beating Perfect Cell with him;

      Jeice by beating him with Vegeta;

      Kid Buu by beating him with Goku;

      Kid Trunks by beating Vegeta with him;

      Majin Buu by beating Super Buu Gohan with Vegeto;

      Nappa by beating him with Goku; Raditz by beating him with Piccolo;

      Recoome by beating him with Goku;

      Saibamen by beating him with Krillin;

      Super Buu by beating Super Buu (Gotenks Absorbed) with Ultimate Gohan;

      Super Saiyan 2 Goku by beating Majin Vegeta;

      Super Saiyan 2 Adult Gohan by beating the good version of Majin Buu with him;

      Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta by surviving Kid Buu with him;

      Super Saiyan 3 Goku by beating Majin Buu with him;

      Super Saiyan 4 Goku by beating Super Android 17 with him;

      Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta by beating Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta with Broly;

      Super Saiyan Adult Gohan by beating Super Buu with Ultimate Gohan;

      Super Saiyan Future Trunks by beating Mecha Frieza with him;

      Super Saiyan Goku by beating Frieza with him;

      Super Saiyan Goten by beating him with Kid Trunks;

      Super Saiyan Gotenks by beating Super Buu with SSJ3 Gotenks;

      Super Saiyan Kid Trunks by beating Hercule with Kid Trunks;

      Super Saiyan Super Vegeta by beating Perfect Cell(Perfect Form);

      Super Saiyan Teen Gohan by beating Goku with Teen Gohan;

      Super Saiyan Trunks (Fighting) by beating Cell with him;

      Super Saiyan Vegeta by beating Android 18 with him;

      Trunks (Fighting) by beating Android 18 with Super Saiyan Trunks.wing the user names of everyone currently playing that game.

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      Unlock Cell Jr. by beating him with Super Saiyan Teen Gohan; Super Saiyan 2 Teen Gohan by beating Perfect Cell with Super Saiyan Teen Gohan; Vegito by clearing the Majin Buu vs. Kid Buu battle stage; Videl by clearing the Hercule vs Kid Buu battle stage; Zarbon (Post-Transformation): by beating him with Vegeta.

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      Unlock characters by fusing the following items:

      Baby Vegeta with Tuffles and Artificial Bruits Waves;

      Bardock with Kakarot and Hatred of Saiyans;

      Bojack (Post Transformation) with Galactic Warriors and Seal Release;

      Broly with Super Saiyan and Broly;

      Cooler Final Form with Frieza's Older Brother and Super Transformation;

      Frieza Final Form (Full Power) with Frieza Final Form and Super Transformation;

      Great Saiyaman with Gohan and Transforming Hero set;

      Janemba with Psyche Orge and Peoples Maliciousness;

      Majin Buu (Gotenks Absorbed) with Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks and Absorption;

      Majin Buu (Pure Evil) with Majin Buu (Good) and Wicked Person's Bullet;

      Majin Buu (Ultimate Gohan Absorbed) with Ultimate Gohan and Absorption;

      Majin Vegeta with Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta and Babidi;

      Mecha Frieza with Frieza Final Form (Full Power) and Reconstruction Surgery;

      Perfect Cell (Perfect Form) with Super Saiyan Goku and Cell Perfect Form;

      Super 17 with two Android 17;

      Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks with Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan Gotenks;

      Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta with SS4 Goku's fusion and SS4 Vegeta's fusion;

      Super Saiyan Gogeta with Goku's Fusion and Vegeta's Fusion;

      Super Saiyan Super Trunks with Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan Trunks;

      Super Vegito with Super Saiyan and Vegito;

      Ultimate Gohan with Super Saiyan 2 Gohan and Elder Sumpreme kai;

      Vegeta (Scouter) with Vegeta and Scouter.

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      Collect the seven Dragonballs in Z Battle Gate to unlock Kid Goku, Oozaru, General Tao and Master Roshi.

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      Complete Radditz Saga 100 percent to unlock Saibamen.

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      Complete Z-Battle Gate to unlock Base Long Haired Trunks, SSJ Long Haired Future Trunks, SSJ Teen Gohan and SSJ2 Teen Gohan. © HT Games