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Fatal Frame Game Hints

Released in 2002, "Fatal Frame" is a survival horror video game available for the PlayStation 2 and Xbox consoles. You play as Miku, a young woman exploring a mysterious mansion in search of her missing brother, Mafuyu. Armed with only a camera, you'll do battle with frightening ghosts as you search for clues to Mafuyu's disappearance. "Fatal Frame" contains plenty of surprises. With a sound gameplay strategy, you'll be able to handle anything that comes your way.
  1. The Camera Filament

    • The Mystical Camera is your only weapon in "Fatal Frame." You can also use it as a tool to find hidden ghosts and clues. When you're in camera mode, the filament display will give you some important information. The filament is at the top center of the display window. It will glow when a ghost is near. A blue glow means you're close to a hidden ghost or clue. An amber glow indicates the presence of a moving ghost that may attack. When you're facing the direction of the ghost, the filament will glow brighter. You can use this to track the movements of an attacking ghost, even if it hides behind an object.

    Spirit Points

    • You will earn spirit points when you take a picture of an attacking ghost. The camera displays your spirit point total in the lower left corner of the camera screen. You can use spirit points to enhance the basic functions of your camera and also add special bonus functions. You can use only one of these bonus functions at a time, so it's best to maximize your camera's more useful functions of range, speed and power first.


    • You will encounter three types of ghosts in "Fatal Frame": hidden ghosts, vanishing ghosts and attacking ghosts. Hidden ghosts don't move or cause damage, but capturing them on camera can give you a lot of spirit points. Finding certain hidden ghosts will open new doors in the mansion, which is necessary for advancing the story.

      Vanishing ghosts are the most difficult to catch. They appear as a reaction to your movement when you approach a new area or open certain doors. Vanishing ghosts are usually worth a lot of spirit points as well, but don't worry if you miss a few.

      Attacking ghosts are the only type that can cause damage. They can occur as boss battles or random encounters. You can run from random attacking ghosts, but the fixed boss battles are necessary to advance the story.


    • When you're playing "Fatal Frame," you should always be on the move. Spending too much time in a single area can result in a random ghost attack. If you keep your pace quick throughout the game, you can avoid these attacks and save your health for the fixed boss battles. Random encounters can happen in any room, so be sure to pause the game if you need to step away.

    Controller Settings

    • "Fatal Frame" features two types of controller settings. With type A, the default setting, Miku's movements are relative to the screen. Pressing any direction on the analog stick will cause Miku to move in that direction. With type B, Miku's movements are relative to the direction she is facing. Pressing up on the analog stick will always cause Miku to walk forward; pressing left will cause her to turn to her left, and so on. With the constantly changing camera angles in "Fatal Frame," type B is a much more effective configuration to use. You can change controller settings by selecting "options" in the pause menu. © HT Games