HT Games

Little Big Planet Cheats

"LittleBigPlanet," developed by Media Molecule and released for both the Sony PlayStation 3 and the Sony PlayStation Portable, focuses on player control of Sackboy, Sackgirl or the gender-neutral Sackperson and exploring a number of levels. The game's primarily appeal is the massive amount of customization available in-game and the ability share custom objects and levels with other players. For those looking for ultimate completion of LBP, codes and hints can help you unlock those last few extras you've been striving for.
  1. Skip Tutorials

    • At the credits screen, press "Down," "Up," "L1," "L2," "R2," "R1," "Triangle" and "X" to skip all tutorials and unlock all tools opened up by completing the tutorials.

    Burnt Costume

    • To get the Burnt costume, reset your costume and find a fiery location. Burn yourself at the location, and pause the game while you are being burned. You should see a charred character if you've paused at the right time. Press and hold the "PlayStation" button to turn off the controller, and then turn it on once more when prompted. You will now have the Burnt costume.

    Glowing Skeleton Costume

    • To get the Glowing Skeleton costume, reset your costume and find an electric trap. Shock yourself on the trap, and pause the game while you are being shocked. You should see a skeleton showing through your character if you've paused at the right time. Press and hold the "PlayStation" button to turn off the controller, and then turn it on once more when prompted. You will now have a costume of a glowing skeleton.

    100 Percent Completion Awards

    • You can unlock many rewards by getting all prize bubbles in a level and getting a completion rating of 100 percent. Some examples include unlocking the Fairy Tale Concept and Fairy Tale Concept with Frame by completing "Get a Grip" and unlocking the Bunny Tail and the Gardens by completing "Skate to Victory." Try getting 100 percent on every level to unlock everything you possibly can.

    Aced-Level Awards

    • You can also unlock a number of costume items by "acing" a level, or beating it without dying. Some examples include unlocking the Dinosaur Tail in "Lowrider," the Mustache in "Burning Forest" and the Yellow Head in "The Collector." Try acing every level to unlock every costume item the game has to offer.

    Multiplayer Prizes

    • Most levels feature a prize area that requires two players to unlock the items. You can complete these with only a single player as long as you have two controllers. Start the level in single-player mode and find the multiplayer zone. Locate the nearest checkpoint and press and hold the "PlayStation" button on the second controller until a second Sackperson spawns at the checkpoint. Set up the second Sackperson to fulfill whatever task is required -- activating a switching, holding a button down, and so forth -- and then use the first player controller to gather the prizes. When finished, press and hold the "PlayStation" button on the second controller once more until the option "Turn Off Controller" appears. Select it to send away the second Sackperson and return the level to single-player mode. You can now complete the rest of the level yourself, without the need for a second character. © HT Games