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Money Hints for Resident Evil 5 for the PS3

In "Resident Evil 5," players collect gemstones and other items to sell for money, which they can then use to purchase weapons, first aid spray and weapon upgrades. Several cheats and glitches make obtaining money a faster and easier process. The most valuable items in the game are the Hearts of Africa, soul gems, diamonds, topazes and rubies. Keep an eye out for them as you play, as you will have to break open boxes and vases to find them. They are small and colorful, and come in many shapes and sizes.
  1. Duplicating Money and Other Items

    • You will need two controllers and two multiplayer accounts to accomplish the money duplication method. Begin a two-player game. At any point during the game, have player two hand over all of his items to player one. Player one should then quit the game, saving her options. Player two should not save. Player one can now restart the game, where she will find she now has double inventory of items, and player two's inventory has been replenished. Player one can either choose to sell the items or hang onto them. You can repeat this process as many times as you wish to gain large amounts of money.

    Money Farming in the Marshlands

    • After you finish the game once, you can start the game from any chapter. Choose Chapter 3-1, which takes place in the marshlands. Break open the vases by the dock, where you'll find a ruby. In the middle of the lake is a silver item, and to the northwest you'll find an RPG inside a sunken boat. Continue searching the marshlands for hidden treasures, as there are many. Once you collect all the treasure, press "Start" and quit the game. Select "Save" when prompted. Restart the game. You can now sell the treasure you just collected for over 10,000 gold. Repeat this process as many times as you wish.

    Money Farming the Heart of Africa

    • During a battle with Wesker in Chapter 5-3, you have the opportunity to collect a very valuable object. You will need two players to take advantage of a money cheat in this chapter. Defeat Wesker within seven minutes, and he will drop an item called the Heart of Africa. Have player two collect the item and quit the game, making sure to save his game and items. Next, restart the game, and both players will rejoin the game at the last checkpoint. The Heart of Africa will be on the ground again. Have player two collect the jewel again, and repeat this process endlessly to take advantage of this money cheat.

    Farming Lion Hearts

    • Another opportune location for money farming is in Chapter 5-2. Simply walk through the two hallways, killing lickers along the way. They will drop multiple lion hearts. Quit, save your game, and then restart the level. Sell the lion hearts for $12,500. © HT Games